Monday 2023.03.27



power clean + clean (position 2)


Today’s strength is a snatch EMOM. You will perform 1 power clean + 1 clean from position 2 at the top of each minute, for 8 rounds.

It is up to you how you load the bar on these sets. You can build up throughout the 8 rounds, or you can stay at the same working weight across multiple rounds. You can also decrease the weight if that feels appropriate.

You should be prioritizing quality movement throughout. Try to hit your positions and move explosively through extension and under the bar. We do not want you missing any reps if you can help it.


2 sets

3 rounds
18-21 calories
10 DB front squats

2:00 rest between sets

*13 min cap*


Today’s metcon is 2 sets of 3 rounds of calories and DB front squats. You will complete 3 rounds of calories and squats and then rest for 2:00. After the rest, you will complete 3 rounds again. Your score is the times it takes you to complete each set or the reps completed at each time cap.

The calories should be done in less than 1:15. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, you can lower the number of calories.

Your dumbbell weight should be heavy. The goal is to do the squats unbroken, but this is your opportunity to use a heavier weight since the volume is relatively low.


Saturday 2023.03.25


Teams of 3, AMRAP 30 (with one person working on a machine and two people working through the AMRAP)

60 toe to bar
300 m run
90 burpees over the bar
60 squat cleans
300 m run
30 wall walks


Today’s team workout is a 30 minute AMRAP, and will be done in teams of 3. You will have two scores: calories and rounds + reps on the AMRAP. One team member will always be on a machine while the other two partners will be working through the AMRAP. You may switch at any point on the machine. The AMRAP will be completed opwaat (one person working at a time) style, except for the runs which will be done by the team members not on the machine.

The toe to bar should be done in at least sets of 5. You may substitute hanging knee raises or toes as close to the bar.

Runs should take no longer than 2:00. If this sounds like an overly aggressive pace, you may decrease the distance to 200 m.

Burpees should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute. It is recommended you do these in small sets of 5-7.

Squat cleans should be done at a moderate weight, where you are switching with your partner every 1-3 reps.

Wall walks should be done at a pace of about 5/minute. You may decrease the number of reps or height of your wall walks. It is suggested that you switch every 2-3 reps or so.






Friday 2023.03.24


Frankenstein front squats

4 sets of 4-6 reps at 21X1

In between working sets:
chin up negatives with :05 descent x 3-5 reps
:10 exaggerated front rack hold x 3 reps


The Frankenstein front squat will force you into maintaining an upright posture throughout the range of motion to prevent the bar from rolling off the front of the shoulders. You will also not have an front rack mobility limitations holding you back.

Use a box under your feet for assistance if you need to on the chin up negatives.

Maintain a full grip on the front rack stretch and try to force the elbows up throughout the :10 while keeping your legs, glutes, and core engaged to prevent any compensations lower down the kinetic chain.


4 rounds for time

200 m run
12 hang double DB cleans
16 push ups

*13 min cap*


Today’s metcon is four rounds of running, double dumbbell hang power cleans, and push ups. Your score is the time it takes to complete the four rounds or how many reps you’ve completed at the 13 minute time cap.

The runs should take no longer than 1:30 across the rounds. If this pace sounds aggressive, you may decrease the distance to 100-150 meters.

The weight should be light/moderate for the double dumbbell hang power cleans. Your goal should be to do them unbroken.

Aim to complete the push ups in 1-3 sets. Elevate your hands as necessary to do this.





Thursday 2023.03.23


4 rounds

400-500 m row
15 box jump (w/ step down)
15 Russisan KBS
400-500 m row

Rest 2:00 between rounds


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of rowing, box jumps, and KB swings. You will rest two minutes between rounds. Your score is the total time it takes you to complete all 4 rounds, including the rest. If you do not finish, your score is the rounds and reps completed at the 30:00 time cap.

The rows should not take any longer than 2:10 on either end. You can adjust the distance accordingly. You may double the distance if you are using a bike erg.

The KB swings should be heavy, since these are Russian swings. The goal is to stay unbroken throughout the 4 rounds.

Box jumps should be done at a height that you do not hesitate with. You will step down from each jump. These should also be done at a smooth and steady pace.





Wednesday 2023.03.22



power snatch + snatch (position 2)


Today’s strength is a snatch EMOM. You will perform 1 power snatch + 1 snatch from position 2 at the top of each minute, for 8 rounds.

It is up to you how you load the bar on these sets. You can build up throughout the 8 rounds, or you can stay at the same working weight across multiple rounds. You can also decrease the weight if that feels appropriate.

You should be prioritizing quality movement throughout. Try to hit your positions and move explosively through extension and under the bar. We do not want you missing any reps if you can help it.


3 rounds:
12 ground to overhead
12 bar facing burpees

1:00 rest

3 rounds:
12 thrusters
12 bar facing burpees

*6 minute cap each couplet*


The workout today is two couplets of ground to overhead (GTOH) and burpees over the bar followed by thrusters and burpees over the bar.You will rest for 1 minute between couplets. Your score is the cumulative time it takes to complete both couplets, or the reps completed at the 6 minute time cap.

GTOH means you can either do clean and jerks or snatches. You will use the same weight for the GTOH and thrusters. Choose your weight based on the movement that is most likely to be the limiting factor. The weight should be light, allowing you to complete the GTOH in 1-2 sets and the thrusters unbroken.

The burpees should be done at a pace of about 10/minute. If this is not a sustainable pace, decrease to 8-10 reps per round.