
Teams of 3, for time.

800m run
15-9-6 rope lowers
30-18-12 box jump overs

800m run
15-9-6 devil press
30-18-12 strict rope knee raises

25 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3. You will start with an 800m run, followed by 15-9-6 rope lowers and 30-18-12 box jump overs. You will then do another 800m run, followed by 15-9-6 devil press and 30-18-12 rope knee raises. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work.

The runs should be done as a team and shouldn’t take much more than about 4:00-4:30. If you cannot reach this pace then consider slightly reducing the distance.

Everything besides the run is done OPWAAT style.

Perform 1-3 rope lowers and devil presses at a time before switching partners.

Perform 3-5 box jump overs and 4-6 rope knee raises at a time before switching.