

power snatch + snatch (position 2)


Today’s strength is a snatch EMOM. You will perform 1 power snatch + 1 snatch from position 2 at the top of each minute, for 8 rounds.

It is up to you how you load the bar on these sets. You can build up throughout the 8 rounds, or you can stay at the same working weight across multiple rounds. You can also decrease the weight if that feels appropriate.

You should be prioritizing quality movement throughout. Try to hit your positions and move explosively through extension and under the bar. We do not want you missing any reps if you can help it.


3 rounds:
12 ground to overhead
12 bar facing burpees

1:00 rest

3 rounds:
12 thrusters
12 bar facing burpees

*6 minute cap each couplet*


The workout today is two couplets of ground to overhead (GTOH) and burpees over the bar followed by thrusters and burpees over the bar.You will rest for 1 minute between couplets. Your score is the cumulative time it takes to complete both couplets, or the reps completed at the 6 minute time cap.

GTOH means you can either do clean and jerks or snatches. You will use the same weight for the GTOH and thrusters. Choose your weight based on the movement that is most likely to be the limiting factor. The weight should be light, allowing you to complete the GTOH in 1-2 sets and the thrusters unbroken.

The burpees should be done at a pace of about 10/minute. If this is not a sustainable pace, decrease to 8-10 reps per round.