Monday 2023.05.01


Backsquat: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 21X1

In between working sets, 8-10 single arm prone Cuban rotations per side


Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you are short of 6 reps on any working set, repeat the same weight and try for sets of 6 across.

In between your working sets you will perform 8-10 single arm prone Cuban rotations per side.


For time

dumbbell hang squat cleans

*11 min cap*


Today’s metcon is a descending ladder of calories and dumbbell hang squat cleans. You will complete 21 calories followed by 21 hang squat cleans, then 15 calories and 15 hang squat cleans…and so on until you have completed 3 calories and 3 hang squat cleans. Your time will be the time it takes to complete the ladder or the reps completed at the 11:00 time cap.

You should be able to move at a pace of at least 10 calories/minute. If this sounds like an aggressive pace to hold across the workout, then decrease your calories. Your ladder may look like 18-15-12-9-6-3.

Your dumbbell weight should be light. The goal is to split the sets of 21 and 15 in no more than 2-3 sets and stay unbroken for the rest of the ladder.





Saturday 2023.04.29


Teams of 2

800 m run (together)
90 toe to bar (must switch every 6)
300 ft DB front rack walking lunge (must switch every 25-50 ft)
90 burpee pull ups (must switch every 6)
800 m run (together)


The team workout today is running, toe to bar, dumbbell front rack walking lunge, and burpee pull ups. Your score is the total time it takes you to complete the workout.

The runs should take no longer than 5:00 on either end. If that sounds aggressive, then you can decrease the distance to 600 m.

You must switch every 6 reps on the toe to bar with your partner. You may substitute hanging knee raises or sit ups.

The DB front rack walking lunges should be done at a moderate weight that allows you to complete 25-50 ft unbroken. Decide between you and your partner whether you want to switch every 25 or 50 ft before the workout starts.

You must switch every 6 reps on the burpee pull ups. You may do a burpee then complete a jumping pull up on a box if you do not have regular pull ups yet.









Friday 2023.04.28


3 sets

1a) front rack Bulgarian split squat x 5-7leg
1b) banded pass through x 10-12

2a) banded pull through x 10-12 w/ :01 pause at extension
2b) supine eccentric dowel raises x 5-7 @ 3311


Today’s lower body strength features two supersets. You will perform 3 sets 5-7 of front rack Bulgarian split squats per leg. In between sets you will perform 10-12 banded pass throughs. Perform all of your working sets of split squats at the same weight. Aim for 7 reps on each set. If you achieve this you can go heavier next week. Otherwise you will repeat the same weight and hope to get more reps.

The second superset will be 3 sets of banded pull throughs with a :01 pause at extension. In between sets you will perform 5-7 supine eccentric dowel raises with a 3311 tempo. Use the heaviest band you can while still maintaining a proper hinge pattern on the pull through. Treat the dowel raises like mobility work for the shoulders, chest, and upper back. Use a light weight and focus on the tempo and stretch.


For time:

14-20 calories*
30 burpee box jump overs
100 double unders

*time for calories counts as a separate score

**6 min time cap**


Today’s metcon has two pieces: the time it takes you to complete the calories and the time it takes you to complete the calories, burpee box jump overs, and double unders.

The calories should be done at a 95-100% effort level. If you think 14-20 calories will take you longer than :40 at a sprint effort, then lower the number of calories to 12-15.

The burpee box jump overs should be done at a height that you won’t hesitate jumping on. Your legs will be tired so make sure you’re confident before taking that jump. Remember safety first, and it is okay to step on the box. You should be able to move at a pace of around 10/minute. If this sounds aggressive, decrease the number of burpee box jump overs or go to burpees to a target.

Double unders should take no longer than 1:30. You may decrease the number of double unders or go to single unders.





Thursday 2023.04.27


3 rounds

800 m run
25 ab mat sit ups
20 bar facing burpees
10 power snatches

1:00 between rounds

*27:00 cap*


The workout today is three rounds of running, sit ups, burpees, and overhead squats. You will get to rest one minute between rounds. Your score will be the time it takes to complete each round, not including the rest.

The run should take no longer than 4:30. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, then you may decrease the run to 600 m.

The sit ups should be done at a smooth pace. If you think you will have to break the sit ups, then decrease the reps to 20.

The bar facing burpees should take no longer than 2:00. If 10/minute sounds aggressive for this workout, decrease the burpees to 15-18.

Your power snatch weight should be light-moderate. These should be done in quick singles or small touch and go sets.





Wednesday 2023.04.26



Spend 15 minutes building to a heavy single.


Take your time building in weight and try to avoid missing reps if possible. If you finish before the 15 minute mark, perform drop sets at 80-85% of your heavy weight for the day


5 rounds for time

12 chest to bar pull ups
8 c&j

*15 min cap*


The workout today is 5 rounds of chest to bar pull ups and clean and jerks. Your time will be how long it takes you to complete the 5 rounds or the rounds and reps completed at the 15 minute time cap.

The chest to bar pull ups should be done in no more than 3 sets each round. You may substitute regular pull ups, banded pull ups, or jumping pull ups.

The clean and jerk weight should be light-moderate so that you do quick singles or small touch and go sets.