
Teams of 3, AMRAP 30 (with one person working on a machine and two people working through the AMRAP)

60 toe to bar
300 m run
90 burpees over the bar
60 squat cleans
300 m run
30 wall walks


Today’s team workout is a 30 minute AMRAP, and will be done in teams of 3. You will have two scores: calories and rounds + reps on the AMRAP. One team member will always be on a machine while the other two partners will be working through the AMRAP. You may switch at any point on the machine. The AMRAP will be completed opwaat (one person working at a time) style, except for the runs which will be done by the team members not on the machine.

The toe to bar should be done in at least sets of 5. You may substitute hanging knee raises or toes as close to the bar.

Runs should take no longer than 2:00. If this sounds like an overly aggressive pace, you may decrease the distance to 200 m.

Burpees should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute. It is recommended you do these in small sets of 5-7.

Squat cleans should be done at a moderate weight, where you are switching with your partner every 1-3 reps.

Wall walks should be done at a pace of about 5/minute. You may decrease the number of reps or height of your wall walks. It is suggested that you switch every 2-3 reps or so.