
4 rounds

400-500 m row
15 box jump (w/ step down)
15 Russisan KBS
400-500 m row

Rest 2:00 between rounds


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of rowing, box jumps, and KB swings. You will rest two minutes between rounds. Your score is the total time it takes you to complete all 4 rounds, including the rest. If you do not finish, your score is the rounds and reps completed at the 30:00 time cap.

The rows should not take any longer than 2:10 on either end. You can adjust the distance accordingly. You may double the distance if you are using a bike erg.

The KB swings should be heavy, since these are Russian swings. The goal is to stay unbroken throughout the 4 rounds.

Box jumps should be done at a height that you do not hesitate with. You will step down from each jump. These should also be done at a smooth and steady pace.