Strength & Mobility

3-4 sets

deadlift x 3-5 @ 21×1
German hang pike pull x 2-4


4 rounds

In 2 minutes:
12-15 calories
5 power cleans
AMRAP front squats

rest 2 minutes


Today’s workout is four 2-minute rounds of work, with 2 minutes of rest in between rounds. Each round will start with 12-15 calories, followed by 5 power cleans and then as many front squats as you can in the remaining time. Your score is the amount of front squats completed in your worst round.

Your calories shouldn’t take much longer than about :45. Reduce the amount if you are significantly slower than that.

The power cleans should be a moderate weight that allows you to get the 5 reps completed in either quick singles or touch-and-go. You should be able to get sets of at least 10 front squats at a time before dropping the bar.