
Frankenstein front squats

4 sets of 4-6 reps at 21X1

In between working sets:
chin up negatives with :05 descent x 3-5 reps
:10 exaggerated front rack hold x 3 reps


The Frankenstein front squat will force you into maintaining an upright posture throughout the range of motion to prevent the bar from rolling off the front of the shoulders. You will also not have an front rack mobility limitations holding you back.

Use a box under your feet for assistance if you need to on the chin up negatives.

Maintain a full grip on the front rack stretch and try to force the elbows up throughout the :10 while keeping your legs, glutes, and core engaged to prevent any compensations lower down the kinetic chain.


4 rounds for time

200 m run
12 hang double DB cleans
16 push ups

*13 min cap*


Today’s metcon is four rounds of running, double dumbbell hang power cleans, and push ups. Your score is the time it takes to complete the four rounds or how many reps you’ve completed at the 13 minute time cap.

The runs should take no longer than 1:30 across the rounds. If this pace sounds aggressive, you may decrease the distance to 100-150 meters.

The weight should be light/moderate for the double dumbbell hang power cleans. Your goal should be to do them unbroken.

Aim to complete the push ups in 1-3 sets. Elevate your hands as necessary to do this.