Friday 2022.04.01



  • Build to a heavy single.


It is the end of our deadlift cycle. Today you will build to a heavy single. As always, positions are paramount. Be sure to maintain a neutral spine and a vertical bar path that keeps the bar close to the body. Pay attention to speed with which you lift each rep. If you finish the rep smoothly with no struggle, make a bigger jump. As the bar speed slows, be sure to make smaller jumps.


Tabata (8 rounds of :20 on / :10 off)

  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Box Jump Overs
  • Calories


Today’s workout is a tabata of 3 different exercises. You will complete 8 rounds of :20 of work with :10 rest of kettlebell swings, then 8 rounds of box jump overs, then 8 rounds of calorie bike or row. Keep track of the total number of reps from each exercise. Your score is the sum of those 3 numbers.

Choose a light kettlebell so that you can hold on for the whole :20 throughout the workout. The rest intervals are very short, so it gets difficult quickly.

Choose a box height that allows you to maintain a steady pace throughout the 8 rounds. Step down from the box each rep.

Keep your monitor rolling through the 8 rounds. You’ll get some roll over calories. We’ll allow it this time to keep the logistics simple. Your score here is the number the monitor reads at the end of the 8 rounds. Try to maintain a hard, but steady pace throughout.

Thursday 2022.03.31


Complete as many unbroken reps as possible of:

  • Toes to Bar
  • Knees to Chest


Today’s test is 1 unbroken set of toes to bar. You will see how many reps you can do without coming off the bar. If you cannot yet perform toes to bar, substitute knees to chest. The keys to success are a tight arch position that allows you to use your stretch reflex between reps.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00:

  • 400m Run
  • 1 Rope Climb
  • 12 x (Push Up + Shoulder Tap each side)


Today’s workout is 20-minutes of running, rope climbs, and push ups with shoulder taps. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed in the 20-minutes.

The runs should take no longer than 2:30 to complete. Adjust the distance accordingly.

You may adjust the rope climb by lowering the target height or substituting rope lowers or hanging knee raises. Here is a good test to show that you have enough confidence on the rope to climb to the top safely.

You will perform one push up, then in the support position tap your right hand to the left shoulder, then your left hand to the right shoulder. Each round you will do that 12 times. You may perform these with your hands elevated on a box, if needed. The goal should be to stay unbroken through a majority of the rounds completed.

Wednesday 2022.03.30


Every minute on the minute for 8:00:

  • 1 Power Snatch from position 1 w/ :02 pause in receiving position + 1 Snatch from position 1 w/ :02 pause in bottom of squat


Today’s strength is snatches. We will be completing each rep from position 1. Pause :02 when you receive the bar overhead during the power snatch. During the snatch, pause :02 in the bottom of the squat. You may build throughout the 8-rounds or stay at the same weight.

Focus on a vertical drive from position 1. Then focus on a strong lockout of the elbows and active shoulders during the pauses. The pauses give you time to focus on your balance and control.


In 3:00:

  • 400-500m Row or 800-1000m Bike
  • Max Goblet Squats

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Continue until you have completed 75 goblet squats or 4 rounds.


Our workout today is 75 goblet squats for time. You will have a 3-minute window to complete a 400-500m Row or 800-1000m Bike and with the remaining time as many goblet squats as possible. You will then rest 1-minute before beginning the next round. You will continue until you have finished 75 goblet squats or 4 rounds.

Your score is the time to complete 75 goblet squats including the rest intervals. The coach will leave a simple running clock so that you do not have to do any clock math.

The row or bike should take no longer than 2-minutes. Adjust the target distance accordingly.

Choose a light-moderate weight on the goblet squats. You should be able to complete 12-15 reps without putting the weight down.

Tuesday 2022.03.29


3 Sets

  • 6-8 Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Row @ 21X1
  • 6-8/side Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Press @ 21X1


Today we will be working on upperbody pushing and pulling strength. You will alternate between two exercises and complete 3 working sets. Use a challenging weight for every working set.

Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Row Maintain a neutral spine and keep the knees back. Pull the bar towards the bottom of the rib cage. Get all 8 reps, then add weight.

Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Press Keep your torso upright and finish with the dumbbell overhead and shoulder in an externally rotated position. Get all 8 reps, then add weight.


Complete as many reps as possible in 12:00

  • 6 x (Renegade Row each arm + Push Up)
  • 12 Dumbbell Snatches


Our workout today is a triplet of renegade rows, push ups, and dumbbell snatches. You will have two dumbbells for the renegade rows, then use one of those dumbbells during the snatches. You will start each round in a plank with your hands on the dumbbell and perform a renegade row with each arm, then one push up. Repeat that for 6 reps. Then perform 12 dumbbell snatches. That is one round. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed in 12-minutes.

The renegade row will most likely be the limiting factor. So that will dictate what weight you use. Make sure it is light enough to perform the row with good mechanics. Spread your feet a bit in the plank, keep your shoulders protracted, and pull towards the bottom of the ribs with minimal shift from the torso.

If you have trouble with the push ups you can either perform them from your knees and maintain the rep scheme or you can perform all 6 renegade rows, then 6 push ups with your hands elevated on a box.

Your upper-body will be fatigued in this workout, so be sure to use the hips and legs as much as possible during the dumbbell snatches.

Monday 2022.03.28


Back Squat

  • x 5 x 3 sets

First rep has a :10 negative.
Reps 2-5 have no tempo restriction.


Today we will be doing 3 working sets of 5 back squats. The first rep will be performed with a :10 negative. The next three reps has no tempo restriction. Be sure to keep the descent a consistent speed so that at the end of the :10 you are in the bottom of the squat.

Aim to use 90% of your heavy single from four weeks ago for all 3 working sets. If you were not here, you can build to a heavy single with a :10 descent.


For time:

  • 10 Back Squats
  • 20 Burpees over the Bar
  • 10 Front Squats
  • 40 Double Unders
  • 10 Overhead Squats
  • 80 Double Unders
  • 10 Overhead Squats
  • 40 Double Unders
  • 10 Front Squats
  • 20 Burpees over the Bar
  • 10 Back Squats

15:00 time cap


Our workout today is a chipper. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed work or the number of reps completed under the 15-minute cap.

The squat weight will be determined by the overhead squat. It should be a moderate weight that allows you to complete both sets of 10 unbroken. If you do not have the mobility for an overhead squat, you can substitute an overhead lunge or a front squat.

The burpees should take no longer than 1:30. Adjust the number of reps accordingly.

Aim to spend no more than :30 on the jump rope for the sets of 40 and no more than 1:00 for the set of 80. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.