Friday 2024.01.05


Cyclist Squat

3-4 working sets of 6-8 @ 31×1


Build to a working weight and then perform all 3-4 sets at that weight. Aim to reach 8 reps on each set. If you are able to do that this week then you may go heavier next week.


For time

50-60 calories
75 wall balls
50-60 calories

*14 minute cap*


The metcon today is two sets of calories with a chunk of wall balls in between. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the calories and wall balls, or work completed at the 14 minute time cap.

Your calories should take no longer than 4:00 (12-15 calories/minute). If this pace sounds aggressive for today, think about completing 45 calories instead.

Choose a wall ball weight that allows you to complete the wall balls in no more than 4-5 sets. Try to push with bigger sets or focus on quick breaks.

Thursday 2024.01.04


Bench Press:

Build to 3 sets of 6-8 at 20X1

*Perform the kickstand RDL stretch x 10 + :10 per side between sets


Build up to a working weight on the bench press, then do each working set at the same weight and aim for the top of the rep range. If you get 3×10 this week, you may go heavier next week.

The kickstand RDL stretch is unweighted.


For time

Push ups s
Strict pull ups
*7 calories after each round*

**15 minute cap**


Today’s workout is a descending ladder of strict pull ups and push ups, with calories after each round. You will complete 10 strict pull ups and 10 push ups followed by 7 calories. Then you will move on to 9 and 9, then 7 calories. You will continue in this fashion until you have completed 1 strict pull up and 1 push up, and you will end the workout with 7 calories.

Aim to break up your strict pull ups in no more than about 3 sets each round. You may modify with a band or a challenging angle of ring rows.

Push ups should be done in no more than 2 sets each round. Elevate your hands as necessary to maintain the recommended number of sets and sound technique.

You can push the calories more than you normally would. Think about going slightly faster than 80% effort.

Wednesday 2024.01.03


Build to a heavy complex of power snatch + snatch balance + snatch (pos. 1)

Then do 1-2 snatch singles with the same weight or 10-15% less.


You will complete the complex without dropping the barbell. Remember to safely lower the bar to your back rack by bending your knees as the bar comes in contact with your shoulders.


Every 2:00 x 6 rounds

ODD: 12-15 calories, 6 power snatch
EVEN: 12-15 calories, 6 clean and jerk


Today’s metcon is a series of barbell cycling intervals with calories. During the odd number intervals (1,3, and 5) you will complete 12-15 calories + 6 power snatch. During the even number intervals (2, 4, and 6) you will complete 12-15 calories + 6 clean and jerks. Each round is capped at 1:45. Your score is the weight you use on the barbell.

Calories should be completed in no more than a minute. This should be a reasonably hard pace, but the goal is to keep the calories at a sustainable pace so you can go straight to the barbell.

You will use the same weight for both movements. Your weight will be determined by which movement limits you the most, which will probably be the snatch. Use a moderately heavy weight that will allow you to complete a rep every :06-:08.

Tuesday 2023.01.02


5 rounds for time

50 ft KB front rack walking lunge
75 double unders
15 toe to bar
200 m run

*25 minute cap*


Today’s workout will be 5 rounds of front rack lunges, toe to bar, running, and double unders. Your score will be the time it takes to complete all five rounds, or work completed at the 25 minute time cap.

Your lunges should be done in unbroken 25 foot segments, and your kettlebell weight should be moderate.

Double unders should take no longer than a minute. You may lower the number of double unders or complete single unders

The toe to bar should be completed in no more than 4 sets or so. You may substitute hanging knee raises, leg raises, or sit ups if you are unable to hang from the pull up bar.

The 200 m runs should be completed in less than a 1:15 or so. If this pace does not sound sustainable, consider running 150 m instead.

Monday 2024.01.01


Teams of 2, for time

1000 m row
24 rounds total, alternating full rounds
6 thrusters
6 burpees over the bar
1000 m row


Happy New Year! The team workout today will be done in teams of 2. You will start with 1000 m row, followed by 24 rounds total of 6 thrusters and 6 burpees over the bar. You will alternate full rounds with your partner, so each of you will complete 12 rounds. You will finish the workout with another 1000 m row. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the workout, or work completed at the 30 minute time cap.

Aim to switch on the rower every 250-300 m or so with your partner so you can maintain a relatively high intensity. If you think your split will be slower than 2:10/500 m, think about rowing 800 m versus 1000 m and switch every 200 m with your partner.

Your thruster weight should be light-moderate. The thrusters should be unbroken.

Your burpees over the bar should take no longer than about :25. If that sounds unsustainable, consider lowering the burpees to 4-5. These may be done laterally over the bar.

Saturday 2023.12.30


Teams of 3,

400 calories*

100 burpee box jump overs
200 ft body weight synchro lunges
160 wall balls
200 ft body weight synchro lunges
100 burpee box jump overs

*30 Minute cap*


The team workout will be done in teams of 3. One person will be on the machine at all times, while the other two will be working through the pyramid chipper of burpee box jump overs, lunges, and wall balls. If you finish the calories before the chipper, all three of you may complete the chipper, opwaat style. If you finish the chipper before the calories, all three teammates may go to the machine to finish the calories, opwaat style. Your score is the time it takes to complete both calories and chipper.

You should be moving at a pace of about 12-15 calories/minute on the machine. If this pace sounds unsustainable for you and your teammates, consider lowering the total number of calories to 350. You may switch whenever you want on the machine.

Burpee box jump overs should be done to a height that you will not hesitate on. These reps should be done at a pace of about 10/minute. If this pace sounds unreasonable, consider lowering the total number of reps to 85. Keep your sets small before switching with your partner.

The lunges will be done in synchro with your teammate, in 25 ft segments.

Choose a weight for the wall balls that allows you to complete sets of 10-15 before switching with your partner.

Friday 2023.12.29


Snatch Balance + OHS

Build to a heavy 1+1 for the day without missing. If there is time remaining you may hit some extra snatch balance singles at your top weight or slightly less weight.

*Pause for :02 in bottom of snatch balance


Try to build heavier this week since we have decreased the amount of reps.

Make sure you practice lowering the bar to your shoulders safely on every single set, even with the empty bar. This is essential to safely and confidently lowering the bar to your shoulders with heavier weights.


2 sets

40 double unders
12 hang power snatch
1:00 rest
40 double unders
10 hang c&j
1:00 rest
40 double unders
8 hang power cleans
2:00 rest


Today’s workout will be two sets of double unders and a series of barbell movements. You will go through double unders/hang power snatch, double unders/hang power clean and jerk, double unders/hang power cleans followed by 2:00 of rest and then repeat that sequence. Your score will be the weight you use for each movement.

Double unders should be completed in less than :30. You may decrease the number of double unders or go to single unders.

You will increase your barbell weight across the three movements. The hang power snatch will be the least amount of weight, followed by the hang clean and jerk, and the hang power cleans should be the heaviest. Choose weights that will allow you to stay unbroken throughout, and feel light-moderate to complete. Your weight jumps shouldn’t be more than 20 lb between movements.

Tuesday 2023.12.28


Bench Press:

Build to 3 sets of 6-8 at 20X1

*Perform the kickstand RDL stretch x 10 + :10 per side between sets


Build up to a working weight on the bench press, then do each working set at the same weight and aim for the top of the rep range. If you get 3×10 this week, you may go heavier next week.

The kickstand RDL stretch is unweighted.



1 – 12-15 calories
2 – 4 wall walks
3 – 12 DB bench
4 – :40 sandbag hold


The workout today is an EMOM with calories, wall walks, dumbbell bench, and sandbag hold. You will complete four rounds of these movements. Your score is for completion today.

Calories should take no longer than :45 or so. You may adjust the calories to 10-12 if this pace sounds unsustainable across the four rounds.

Wall walks should take no longer than :45 either. You may decrease the number of wall walks to 3 or modify the height of the wall walks.

Your dumbbell weight should be moderate. These reps should be completed unbroken, and you should be in control of your reps at all times.

Your sandbag should be moderately heavy. The holds should be completed unbroken.

Wednesday 2023.12.27


Build to a heavy set of 3 front squats at a 20×1 without missing.

Then do 2 challenging sets of 6-8 cyclist squats @ 20×1

*spend :20-:30 in a reverse nordic stretch immediately after each working set


Try to build heavier than last week on your front squats since we have decreased from 5 reps to 3 this week.

Cyclist squats can be loaded with kettlebell in the goblet position, or as a barbell back squat.

Try to go heavier on the cyclist squats since we have lowered the rep range. Still do both sets at the same weight and aim for the top of the rep range though.. **Your cyclist squat weight will be unrelated to your front squat weight.**

After every working set of squats go immediately from your last squat rep to the [reverse Nordic stretch . Focus on keeping your glutes contracted throughout to keep a good stretch on the quads and hip flexors. If you are very tight in this area consider leaning back to a box or bench rather than reaching your hands all the way to the ground.

After :20-:30 in the stretch you can rest as you normally would. Don’t hold the stretch for longer than :30.


For total time:

2 rounds
18 pull ups
18 front squats


40 V-ups
35 burpees over the bar

*13 minute time cap*


Today’s metcon is two rounds of pull ups and front squats directly into a big set of V-ups and burpees over the bar. After you complete the two rounds of pull ups and front squats, you will immediately proceed to the V-ups and burpees over the bar. Your score is the time it takes to complete the entire workout, or work completed at the 13 minute time cap.

Your pull ups should be completed in no more than 4-5 sets. You may substitute banded pull ups or jumping pull ups.

Your front squat weight should be light-moderate. Aim to complete these reps unbroken.

Try to complete the V-ups in no more than 4-6 sets. You may substitute single leg V-ups or tuck ups to maintain good body positioning.

Burpees over the bar should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute. if this pace sounds aggressive, consider lowering the burpees to 30.

Tuesday 2023.12.26


WAP, AFR, 6 rounds for time

8-12 calories
8 burpees over the rower
50 ft sandbag carry

*30 minute cap*


Today’s workout will be done with a partner. You will alternate full rounds of calories, burpees over the rower, and sandbag carries until you have completed 6 rounds each. Your score is the time it takes to complete the total 12 rounds, or work completed at the 30 minute cap.

Your calories should be completed in less than :40 or so. Choose a number of calories that allows you to maintain a reasonably high level of intensity (think about 85%).

Burpees should take no more than :35 or so. If that pace sounds overly aggressive, you may decrease 6-7. If you are worried about tripping, please step over the rower.

Your sandbag should be heavy, but the 50 feet should be unbroken.