
Build to a heavy set of 3 front squats at a 20×1 without missing.

Then do 2 challenging sets of 6-8 cyclist squats @ 20×1

*spend :20-:30 in a reverse nordic stretch immediately after each working set


Try to build heavier than last week on your front squats since we have decreased from 5 reps to 3 this week.

Cyclist squats can be loaded with kettlebell in the goblet position, or as a barbell back squat.

Try to go heavier on the cyclist squats since we have lowered the rep range. Still do both sets at the same weight and aim for the top of the rep range though.. **Your cyclist squat weight will be unrelated to your front squat weight.**

After every working set of squats go immediately from your last squat rep to the [reverse Nordic stretch . Focus on keeping your glutes contracted throughout to keep a good stretch on the quads and hip flexors. If you are very tight in this area consider leaning back to a box or bench rather than reaching your hands all the way to the ground.

After :20-:30 in the stretch you can rest as you normally would. Don’t hold the stretch for longer than :30.


For total time:

2 rounds
18 pull ups
18 front squats


40 V-ups
35 burpees over the bar

*13 minute time cap*


Today’s metcon is two rounds of pull ups and front squats directly into a big set of V-ups and burpees over the bar. After you complete the two rounds of pull ups and front squats, you will immediately proceed to the V-ups and burpees over the bar. Your score is the time it takes to complete the entire workout, or work completed at the 13 minute time cap.

Your pull ups should be completed in no more than 4-5 sets. You may substitute banded pull ups or jumping pull ups.

Your front squat weight should be light-moderate. Aim to complete these reps unbroken.

Try to complete the V-ups in no more than 4-6 sets. You may substitute single leg V-ups or tuck ups to maintain good body positioning.

Burpees over the bar should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute. if this pace sounds aggressive, consider lowering the burpees to 30.