
WAP, AFR, 6 rounds for time

8-12 calories
8 burpees over the rower
50 ft sandbag carry

*30 minute cap*


Today’s workout will be done with a partner. You will alternate full rounds of calories, burpees over the rower, and sandbag carries until you have completed 6 rounds each. Your score is the time it takes to complete the total 12 rounds, or work completed at the 30 minute cap.

Your calories should be completed in less than :40 or so. Choose a number of calories that allows you to maintain a reasonably high level of intensity (think about 85%).

Burpees should take no more than :35 or so. If that pace sounds overly aggressive, you may decrease 6-7. If you are worried about tripping, please step over the rower.

Your sandbag should be heavy, but the 50 feet should be unbroken.