
Bench Press:

Build to 3 sets of 6-8 at 20X1

*Perform the kickstand RDL stretch x 10 + :10 per side between sets


Build up to a working weight on the bench press, then do each working set at the same weight and aim for the top of the rep range. If you get 3×10 this week, you may go heavier next week.

The kickstand RDL stretch is unweighted.



1 – 12-15 calories
2 – 4 wall walks
3 – 12 DB bench
4 – :40 sandbag hold


The workout today is an EMOM with calories, wall walks, dumbbell bench, and sandbag hold. You will complete four rounds of these movements. Your score is for completion today.

Calories should take no longer than :45 or so. You may adjust the calories to 10-12 if this pace sounds unsustainable across the four rounds.

Wall walks should take no longer than :45 either. You may decrease the number of wall walks to 3 or modify the height of the wall walks.

Your dumbbell weight should be moderate. These reps should be completed unbroken, and you should be in control of your reps at all times.

Your sandbag should be moderately heavy. The holds should be completed unbroken.