Strength & Mobility

3-4 rounds

Bulgarian split squat @ 31×1 x 6-8/side
between sets cobra hang :20-:30 (center, left, right)


8-10 cal row + 1 thruster

rest 1 minute

6-8 cal row + 3 thrusters

rest 1 minute

4-6 cal row + 6 thrusters


Today’s workout is 3 separate EMOMs with 1 minute of rest in between. You will start with a 5 minute EMOM of 8-10 calories on the rower and 1 thruster. After doing this every minute on the minute for 5 minutes, you will rest for 1 minute. You will then do a 4 minute EMOM of 6-8 calories on the rower and 3 thrusters. After the 4 rounds of this you will rest of 1 minute before finishing with a 3 minute EMOM of 4-6 calories on the rower and 6 thrusters. Your score will be the combined load used for each EMOM.

You should be rowing at a pace of 900-1200 calories per hour or faster. If you cannot hold that pace then consider slightly reducing the target calorie amount. If you’re able to hold 1200 cal/hour or faster you should be doing the top of the calorie range.

You will use three different weights on the thruster. The first EMOM should be a heavy heavy. Pick something that is heavier than you typically do in a workout but that you are not in danger of missing. The second EMOM should be moderate-heavy–maybe 10-20% lighter. The final weight should be moderate, or another 10-20% lighter. You should go unbroken throughout and should never be in danger of missing reps, despite the heavier nature of these weights.

Use the extra minute of rest between EMOMs to put away all extraneous weights.