Strength & Mobility

3-4 sets

incline db bench press x 8-10 @ 31×1 x 8-10
ring row x 8-10 @ 21×1 x 8-10
kickstand RDL stretch x10 + :10/side


For the ring row, pick a challenging angle for 8-10 reps at the prescribed tempo. Aim for 10 reps each set. If you reached 10s on each set last week then make the movement more difficult this week. This can be done by lowering the angle of your body. Once you are completely under the rings you can elevate the feet, and even add weight to increase difficulty.

Treat the bench press the same way as the ring rows–if you reached 10 reps on each set last week then go heavier this week. If you stopped short of 10 reps on any set then repeat the same weight until you are able to get sets of 10 across.



12-15 calories
50ft forward crawl
10 pushups
10 pull ups
50ft forward crawl


Today’s workout is a 12 minute AMRAP of 12-15 calories, a 50ft crawl, 10 push ups, 10 pull ups, and another 50ft crawl. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 12 minutes.

The calories should take about :45 or less. If you are significantly slower than that you can decrease the target range.

Complete the crawls in unbroken 25ft segments.

The pushups and pull ups should be completed in 1-2 sets per round. Elevate the hands on the pushup if necessary. Pull ups can be scaled to jumping pull ups or ring rows.