Saturday 2022.03.26


With a partner, one person working at a time, complete for time:

  • 150 Wall Balls
  • 100 Toes to Bar
  • 50 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 80-100 Calories
  • 50 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 100 Toes to Bar
  • 150 Wall Balls

30:00 time cap


Our workout today is done with a partner. Only one person will be working at a time and your score is the time to complete the prescribed reps or the number of reps completed under the 30-minute time cap.

Choose a light wall ball so that you can alternate sets of 15 reps throughout the workout.

Keep the sets of toes to bar small and the transitions fast. The 100 reps should take no longer than 5-minutes. Substitute knee raises or sit ups, if needed.

The burpee box jump overs should take no longer than 5-minutes. Adjust the box height and/or number of reps.

The calories should also take no longer than 5-minutes. Adjust the target number accordingly.

Friday 2022.03.25



  • Build to a heavy set of 2 @ RPE 9.
  • Drop 15% and do 2 sets of 1.


Today’s strength is deadlifts. You will begin by building up to a heavy set of 2 reps. Stop when you get to a weight that feels like a 9/10 difficulty. After finding the heavy set of 2, take 15% off the bar and do 2 sets of 1 rep. There is no tempo restriction on the reps. However, you should show control by lightly tapping the ground between each rep.

Building to a RPE of 9 (9/10 difficulty) means stopping at weight that leaves you feeling like you could have done an extra rep in that set with perfect mechanics. If there is any positional breakdown, loss of tension when the bar is on the ground, or if you need to bounce the bar between reps, it is too heavy and you have gone beyond a 9/10.


For time:

  • 12-9-6 Power Cleans
  • 9-6-3 Bar Muscle Ups (or 12-9-6 pull ups)

At 10:00, complete for time:

  • 9-6-3 Power Cleans
  • 12-9-6 Burpees over the Bar


Today’s workout is 2 couplets. At “3,2,1,go…” you will complete 12-9-6 power cleans and 9-6-3 bar muscle ups (or 12-9-6 pull ups). You will then rest until the 10-minute mark where you will complete 9-6-3 power cleans and 12-9-6 burpees over the bar.

The power clean weight during the first couplet should be moderate. Aim to complete quick singles. The weight during the second couplet should be slightly heavier. One rep every :06 would be a good pace.

If you cannot complete the gymnastics in 2 sets each round, adjust the rep scheme. You may substitute any pull up variation.

If you cannot maintain a pace of at least 12 burpees per minute, consider adjusting the rep scheme to 9-6-3. They should be done relatively quickly.

Thursday 2022.03.24


3 Sets:

  • 6-8 Straddle Good Mornings @ 3111
  • 6-8 Strict Toes to Bar or L-Raises @ 2111

3 Sets

  • 3-4 Compression Sit Up to Pancake
  • 4-6 Toes to Bar Building Drill


Today’s workout is focused on strength and flexibility that will help you with toes to bar. You will rotate between straddle good mornings and strict toes to bar for 3 sets, then rotate through kip swings and pike ups for 3 sets.

Straddle good morning. The priority here is a long range of motion. You want to feel a stretch in the bottom. You can sit on a plate or a low box to help you work through a longer range of motion. You may also hold a light dumbbell behind your neck to add weight.

Strict toes to bar. Hang with relaxed shoulders. Avoid pulling down and using your lats to assist with the toes to bar or leg raise. Keep the legs straight and together. If you cannot get your toes all the way to the bar, simply lift them as high as you can. Hold the top for :01, lower for :01, and rest for :01 before the next rep.

Compression Sit Up to Pancake As you sit up, aim to curl from the neck down to the lower back. Feel a big stretch as you reach forward in the straddle.

Toes to Bar Building Drill. Keep your legs tight and together. The rhythm is the priority. If your swing gets off center, hop down and restart.


In a 3:00 window complete:

  • 400m Run
  • Max Calories

Rest 1:00

Continue until you have completed 80-100 calories or completed 5 rounds.


Today’s workout is intervals of running and calories on a machine of your choice. You will have 3-minutes to complete a 400m run and with the remaining time, as many calories as possible. You will rest 1-minute between rounds and continue until you have completed 80-100 calories or 5 rounds.

The runs should take no longer than 2:00. Adjust the distance accordingly.

Try to maintain a sustainable pace on the machine. You don’t want to finish the first round or two feeling like you can’t hang on to your pace.

Wednesday 2022.03.23


3 Sets

  • 6-8 Dumbbell Z Press @ 2111
  • 4-6/side Dumbbell Arm Bar
  • 6-8/side Dumbbell Row @ 20X1


Dumbbell Z Press The lockout is difficult to achieve from this position. Sitting on a plate or small box will help. Prioritize a full range of motion. Get all 8 reps, then add weight.

Dumbbell Arm Bar Keep the elbow locked out throughout this movement. Press up towards the ceiling as you rotate sideways to maintain control of the dumbbell.

Dumbbell Row Focus on scapular control. Initiate the row with a scapular retraction, then pull the dumbbell up fast. Pause at the top with forearm vertical, then lower slowly all the way down to a protracted shoulder position. Get all 8 reps at the tempo, then add weight.


3 Sets

Complete as many reps as possible in 3:00:

  • 9 Dumbbell Bench Press
  • 6 Strict Pull Ups
  • 30 Double Unders

Rest 3:00


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of 3-minutes of work with 3-minutes of rest. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps from all 3 sets.

The dumbbell bench should be a moderate weight. You should be able to do 9 reps unbroken, though it may get difficult later in the workout.

Try not to break up the pull ups into more than 2-sets. Adjust the number of reps or substitute banded pull ups or ring rows.

The double unders should be fast and unbroken. Don’t spend more than :20 on the jump rope.

Tuesday 2022.03.22


Back Squat

  • x 4 x 3 sets

First rep has a :10 negative.
Following 3 reps have no tempo restriction.


Today we will be doing 3 working sets of 4 back squats. The first rep will be performed with a :10 negative. The next three reps has no tempo restriction. Be sure to keep the descent a consistent speed so that at the end of the :10 you are in the bottom of the squat.

Aim to use 90% of your heavy single from three weeks ago for all 3 working sets. If you were not here, you can build to a heavy single with a :10 descent.


With a partner, alternate full rounds and complete as many rounds as possible in 16:00:

  • 6 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs
  • 25ft Walking Lunge (Farmers Carry)
  • 6 Double Dumbbell Devils Press
  • 25ft Walking Lunge (farmers carry)


Today’s workout is to be done with a partner. Partner 1 will begin by completing 6 step overs, a 25ft walking lunge, 6 devil press, and a 25ft walking lunge. Then partner 1 will rest while partner 2 completes the same. Continue this pattern until 16-minutes has expired. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed between the two of you.

The step overs should be done with a weight where you can show control throughout the movement. If you cannot stand up to full extension of the knee and hip without help from the other leg, you need to use a lighter weight and/or lower box.

Hold the dumbbells in a farmer’s carry during walking lunge. Be sure to maintain a soft touch of the knee on the ground each step.

You should be able to do all 6 devil press without taking your hands off the dumbbell.

Ideally, you will choose one set of dumbbells to use for every movement in this workout. Determine which movement is most challenging for you and let that dictate what weight you use.