
Every minute on the minute for 8:00:

  • 1 Power Snatch from position 1 w/ :02 pause in receiving position + 1 Snatch from position 1 w/ :02 pause in bottom of squat


Today’s strength is snatches. We will be completing each rep from position 1. Pause :02 when you receive the bar overhead during the power snatch. During the snatch, pause :02 in the bottom of the squat. You may build throughout the 8-rounds or stay at the same weight.

Focus on a vertical drive from position 1. Then focus on a strong lockout of the elbows and active shoulders during the pauses. The pauses give you time to focus on your balance and control.


In 3:00:

  • 400-500m Row or 800-1000m Bike
  • Max Goblet Squats

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Continue until you have completed 75 goblet squats or 4 rounds.


Our workout today is 75 goblet squats for time. You will have a 3-minute window to complete a 400-500m Row or 800-1000m Bike and with the remaining time as many goblet squats as possible. You will then rest 1-minute before beginning the next round. You will continue until you have finished 75 goblet squats or 4 rounds.

Your score is the time to complete 75 goblet squats including the rest intervals. The coach will leave a simple running clock so that you do not have to do any clock math.

The row or bike should take no longer than 2-minutes. Adjust the target distance accordingly.

Choose a light-moderate weight on the goblet squats. You should be able to complete 12-15 reps without putting the weight down.