Thursday 2020.03.26

At Home Strength

400m Carry with your moderate weight and your heavy weight.

Carry anyhow.


Today’s strength is a 400m carry. At the equipment loan last week we tried to make sure everyone had one moderate weight and one heavier weight. You will carry both of those items 400m. If you do not have a 400m course, accumulate 4:00 of a carry.

You can do it as an uneven farmer’s carry. Or you can shoulder one and farmer carry one. Switch as needed, just move them both 400m.

At Home

In 10:00, complete:

  • 400m Run or 1:30 of High Knees

then with the time remaining, complete as many rounds as possible:

  • 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters* (right arm)
  • 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters* (left arm)
  • 20 Alternating Single Leg V-Ups

*If you do not have a dumbbell, substitute 20 jump squats.


Today’s workout is a 10 minute time priority workout. It begins with a run (or 1:30 of high knees if you do not have a safe running route). When you complete the run, with whatever time you have remaining you will complete as many rounds as possible of 20 single arm thrusters (or jump squats) and 20 alternating leg v-ups.

The dumbbell should be a light weight for single arm thrusters. You should be able to do 10 in a row on one side, right into 10 in a row on the other side. If you do not have a dumbbell, you will do 20 jump squats. Control the descent and then explode out the bottom into a jump. When you land try and descend right into the next rep.

The alternating leg v-ups can be adjusted to a tuck up, where you bend at the knee and bring your thigh towards your chest.

Wednesday 2020.03.25

At Home Strength

Perform 6 Turkish Get Ups on each arm with either your heavy or moderate weight.


For strength today, we’ll be doing turkish get ups. You can use whichever weight you feel comfortable with but make sure you warm up with the moderate weight before jumping right to the heavy one. Be deliberate with each step of the movement and don’t rush these. Rest as needed between reps.

At Home

Complete 3 rounds of:

  • 20 Reverse Lunges w/ Dumbbell (or 20 Jump Lunges)
  • 15 Burpees over Dumbbell (or 15 Burpees jump to 6″ target)

Rest 2:00 after completing 3 rounds, then repeat another 3 rounds


Today’s workout is 2 task priority intervals. You will complete 3 rounds of 20 lunges and 15 burpees then rest 2:00 before completing another 3 rounds of lunges and burpees. Record both times it takes to complete each set of 3 rounds.

The lunges should be done unbroken. If you have a dumbbell, hold it against your chest like a goblet squat. If you do not have a dumbbell, perform jump lunges. These are single count and alternating legs, meaning you will do 10 per leg.

The burpees should take no longer than 1:30 to complete. If you are not using a dumbbell, you can perform the burpee by jumping and touching a target that is 6″ above your reach.

Tuesday 2020.03.24

At Home

4 Rounds

  • 1:00 Max Reps Mountain Climbers
  • 1:00 Max Reps Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatch (or No-Push Up Burpees to 6″ target)
  • 1:00 Max Reps Single Arm Push Press (switch arms at :30) (or Jump Lunges)

1:00 Rest between rounds


Today’s workout is several time priority intervals. Keep a running count for each individual exercise. When logging your scores in SugarWOD, record your total mountain climbers in set 1, your total hang snatches (or No-Push Up Burpees to 6″ target) in set 2, and total push press (or Jump Lunges) in set 3.

For the mountain climbers, focus on keeping your hips low and in a good plank position. Challenge yourself to not come out of the plank for the whole minute.

Challenge yourself to hold on to the dumbbell for the entire minute during the snatches. Adjust your pace by resting with the dumbbell locked out overhead. If you do not have a dumbbell, you will perform No-Push Up Burpees to 6″ target. This is done by kicking your feet back into a plank, then jump up out of the burpee and jump to touch a target that is 6″ above your reach.

Here is a quick video showing the difference between the approach to hang snatches when using a dumbbell vs when using a kettlebell. The big difference is you will switch arms every time when using a dumbbell. You will not switch arms every rep with a kettlebell. Do a few in a row and then perform a low swing to switch arms.

For the push press, you will do as many reps as you can in :30 on one side and then switch sides for the remainder of the minute. Adjust your pace by resting with the dumbbell locked out overhead. If you do not have a dumbbell, you will perform jump lunges.

Here is a quick video showing the difference between the dumbbell push press and the kettlebell push press. The main difference is the front rack position. For the kettlebell, bring the elbows down and against your ribs. For the dumbbell, simply lower it tot the top of the shoulder.

Midline Extras

4 Rounds

  • 10 V-Ups
  • :10 Hollow Hold
  • 20 Russian Twists

Rest :30


The extra work for today is a midline challenge. Try and complete all 3 movements without stopping between exercises.

The v-ups are to be done with straight legs. If you need to, break at the knee and tuck your thighs into your chest rather than keeping the legs straight.

The priority on the hollow hold is keeping your lower back in contact with the ground. Bring legs and arms in as needed.

The Russian twists are done single count, meaning you will touch the ground 10 times each side.

Monday 2020.03.23

At Home Burpee Practice

Complete as many reps as possible in :30 of:

  • Burpees

Rest 2:00, then every minute on the minute for 5:00 complete:

  • the number of burpees you got in :30


Today’s practice is burpee pacing. We set our burpee bench mark last week with our 100 burpees for time test. This week we are going to be practicing two different paces for our burpees.

We will first test how many burpees you can do in :30. Go fast, no pacing here!

We will then rest 2 minutes and then every minute on the minute for 5:00 complete that same number of burpees you got in :30. If you got 12 burpees in :30 on our test, you’ll be doing 12 burpees at the top of every minute for 5 minutes. The goal here is to take the number you hit in :30 and stretch your pace out so that it takes about :45 to complete.

At Home

3 Sets

Complete as many rounds as possible in 4:00:

  • 50 Double Unders or 10 Tuck Jumps
  • 10 Goblet Squats
  • 15 Sit Ups

Rest 1:00


Today’s workout is 3 time priority intervals with 1 minute rest between each. Your scores will be the rounds and reps you get each set.

The double unders should be unbroken. You may switch to single unders or cut the number down. If you do not have a jump rope you will perform tuck jumps. On the tuck jumps, jump high enough to allow time to tuck your knees in towards your chest. Try and keep these continuous without pausing between reps.

The goblet squats should be done at a smooth pace. If you don’t have a dumbbell, perform regular air squats.

The sit ups should be done in a butterfly position with the soles of your feet together. You can lower the number of reps if you think the overall volume will make you sore.

Saturday 2020.03.21

It is with a heavy heart that we have made the decision to close Solidarity CrossFit’s physical space for a minimum of one week from Monday, March 16th to Sunday, March 26th.

Our facilities are closed, but workouts will continue!

For a full breakdown of our operations during the COVID-19 outbreak, please read this blog post.

At Home

  • Run for 3:00
  • Rest :30
  • Run for 3:00
  • Rest 2:00
  • Run for 2:00
  • Rest :30
  • Run for 2:00
  • Rest 2:00
  • Run for 1:00
  • Rest :30
  • Run for 1:00

Rest 4:00 then repeat all intervals.


Today’s workout is a running pacing test. This can be done in your neighborhood, although ideally the course should be flat. Grab your stop watch and begin by running away from your starting line for 3:00. At the 3:00 mark stop exactly where you are and rest for :30. At the start of the next 3:00 interval you will run back to your starting line. If you paced it perfectly, you will be able to get back to your starting line. That is the goal. You want to end up exactly where you started. You will repeat this for every interval.

Virtual Partner Core Finisher

With a partner, you go – I go format, complete 3 rounds each of the Durante Core Series Version 2:

  • 10 Arch Rocks
  • 10 Arch Ups
  • :10 Arch Hold


We are going to finish today with a core series. Partner up with someone on the our zoom call and alternate full rounds of the Durante Core Series Version 2.

Without stopping, perform 10 arch rocks, 10 arch ups, :10 arch hold. Then you will rest and your partner will perform the series. Continue in this format until you have each performed 3 rounds of the series. If you cannot complete 10 of each without stopping, lower the number of reps of each exercise.