At Home Burpee Practice

Complete as many reps as possible in :30 of:

  • Burpees

Rest 2:00, then every minute on the minute for 5:00 complete:

  • the number of burpees you got in :30


Today’s practice is burpee pacing. We set our burpee bench mark last week with our 100 burpees for time test. This week we are going to be practicing two different paces for our burpees.

We will first test how many burpees you can do in :30. Go fast, no pacing here!

We will then rest 2 minutes and then every minute on the minute for 5:00 complete that same number of burpees you got in :30. If you got 12 burpees in :30 on our test, you’ll be doing 12 burpees at the top of every minute for 5 minutes. The goal here is to take the number you hit in :30 and stretch your pace out so that it takes about :45 to complete.

At Home

3 Sets

Complete as many rounds as possible in 4:00:

  • 50 Double Unders or 10 Tuck Jumps
  • 10 Goblet Squats
  • 15 Sit Ups

Rest 1:00


Today’s workout is 3 time priority intervals with 1 minute rest between each. Your scores will be the rounds and reps you get each set.

The double unders should be unbroken. You may switch to single unders or cut the number down. If you do not have a jump rope you will perform tuck jumps. On the tuck jumps, jump high enough to allow time to tuck your knees in towards your chest. Try and keep these continuous without pausing between reps.

The goblet squats should be done at a smooth pace. If you don’t have a dumbbell, perform regular air squats.

The sit ups should be done in a butterfly position with the soles of your feet together. You can lower the number of reps if you think the overall volume will make you sore.