Tuesday 2023.04.25


3 sets of 5-7 Pendlay Rows
Perform a straddle stretch in between sets. :15 left, right, and center

3 sets of 5-7 DB bench
Perform couch stretch :45/side in between sets


Same working weight on all 3 sets for the Pendlay rows and DB bench. Aim for sets of 7 across. If you achieve that you may go heavier next week.

Be sure to keep your glutes and abs engaged during the couch stretch to ensure you are keeping the hip extended and not arching the back. You may lean forward as much as necessary to allow for a good stretch without sacrificing hip extension.


For time

25-30 calories
30 Russian kettlebell swings
2:00 rest
15-20 calories
20 Russian kettlebell swings
1:00 rest
12-15 calories
10 Russian kettlebell swings

*12 minute cap*



Today’s workout is an AMRAP of dumbbell front rack reverse lunges, toe to bar, and calories. Your score will be the rounds and reps you complete in 12 minutes.

The dumbbell weight should be moderate. You should be able to keep the lunges unbroken for most of the workout.

Toe to bar should be done in 1-2 sets across the workout. You may substitute knee raises or sit ups.

Calories should be completed in about a minute or so. If this pace sounds aggressive then decrease the calorie range to 10-12.





Monday 2023.04.24


3-4 sets front squats of 3-5 reps

2-3/arm shoulder CARs in between sets


Today’s strength is 3-4 sets of 3-5 front squats. You will perform all working sets at the same weight, aiming for 5 reps one each set. If you were able to achieve this, you can go heavier this week. Otherwise you will repeat the same weight until you get 5 reps on all working sets.

In between your working sets you will perform 2-3 reps of shoulder CARs per side.



120 wall balls
90 double unders
max toe to bar in remaining time


Today’s metcon is an AMRAP of wall balls, double unders, and toe to bar. Your score will be the number of toe to bar you complete in the time remaining, once you finish the wall balls and double unders.

The wall balls should be done with a weight that you feel comfortable doing sets of at least 20 reps at a time. You have a lot of options to how to split these reps up. You could do a bigger set of 40-50, followed by sets of 15-20. You could also try sets of 15-20 with quick breaks across all 120 reps. If you think 120 wall balls will take you longer than 6:30, decrease the reps to 90-100.

The double unders should take no longer than a 1:20. You may decrease the number of double unders or go to singles.

You may substitute hanging knee raises or sit ups in place of the toe to bar.





Saturday 2023.04.22


Teams of 3,

360 calories*

90 burpee box jump overs
90 squat cleans
60 wall walks
90 squat cleans
90 burpee box jump overs

*One person on the machine at all times, while the other two work through the chipper. You may switch at any time


Today’s team workout is calories, burpee box jump overs, squat cleans, and wall walks. Your score will be the total time it takes to complete the calories and chipper.

One person will be on the machine at all times. You may rotate as much as you want. The other two teammates will be working through the chipper opwaat (one person working at a time) style. If you complete all the calories, then all three of you may move to the chipper to complete opwaat style. If you complete the chipper first, all three of you may move to the machine to complete the calories, opwaat style.

Calories should be done at a pace of at least 12/minute. If this sounds like an aggressive pace for you and your teammates, you may decrease the calories to 310-330.

The burpee box jump overs should be done to a height where you won’t hesitate jumping on. If you think you and your teammates can’t move through these at a pace of about 10/minute decrease the reps to 75-80.

The squat cleans should be done at a moderate weight where you switch every 1-3 reps.

Wall walks should be done at a pace of about 5/minute and it is recommended you switch with your partner every 1-3 reps. If 5/minute sounds like an aggressive pace between you and your teammates, decrease the reps to 45-50. You may also modify the height of the wall walk.








Friday 2023.04.21


3 sets

1a) front rack Bulgarian split squat x 5-7leg
1b) banded pass through x 10-12

2a) banded pull through x 10-12 w/ :01 pause at extension
2b) supine eccentric dowel raises x 5-7 @ 3311


Today’s lower body strength features two supersets. You will perform 3 sets 5-7 of front rack Bulgarian split squats per leg. In between sets you will perform 10-12 banded pass throughs. Perform all of your working sets of split squats at the same weight. Aim for 7 reps on each set. If you achieve this you can go heavier next week. Otherwise you will repeat the same weight and hope to get more reps.

The second superset will be 3 sets of banded pull throughs with a :01 pause at extension. In between sets you will perform 5-7 supine eccentric dowel raises with a 3311 tempo. Use the heaviest band you can while still maintaining a proper hinge pattern on the pull through. Treat the dowel raises like mobility work for the shoulders, chest, and upper back. Use a light weight and focus on the tempo and stretch.


2 sets

200 ft sandbag carry
12 DB box step overs
20-25 calories
Rest 6:00 between sets

*14 minute time cap (4 mins per round)*


Today’s metcon is 2 sets of a sandbag carry, dumbbell box step overs, and calories. Your score will be the time for each of your sets.

The sandbag should be heavy, but the carry should still be unbroken. The dumbbells should be moderately heavy, but again the step overs should be unbroken.

The calories should be done at a 95% effort level. If you do not think you can maintain close to a sprint for 20-25 calories, you may decrease the calories to 15-20. This is your chance to go really fast!





Thursday 2023.04.20


Every 5:00 x 5 rounds

15-20 cal row
12 burpees over the rower
15 Russian KB swings
3 wall walks

*4 minute cap on each round*


Today’s workout is 5 rounds of rowing, burpees over the rower, kettlebell swings, and wall walks. You will start a new round every 5:00. Each round will have a 4:00 cap. Your score is the sum total time to complete all 5 rounds.

The calories should take no longer than a 1:15. You may decrease the calories to 12-15 if this pace sounds unsustainable.

The burpees over the rower should also take no longer than 1:15. Decrease the number of burpees to 8-10 if that pace is too aggressive. You may also substitute burpees to a target as well.

The kettlebell swings should be unbroken and at a moderate weight.

Wall walks should take no longer than :40 seconds. You may modify the height of the wall walk to fit within this time range.