Saturday 2022.06.25


Working in teams of 3, with each athlete occupying a station and rotating once all athletes have completed their prescribed work, complete as many rounds as possible in 30:00:

  • Station 1: 12 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • Station 2: 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • Station 3: 200m Run


Today’s workout is 30-minutes of dumbbell thrusters, burpees, and running. You will work in a team of 3. Each athlete will start on a different station and work simultaneously to complete the prescribed work at that station. Once all 3 athletes are done, rotate.

Choose a light weight on the dumbbell thrusters that allows you to complete the 12 reps unbroken throughout the workout. This means that it should feel relatively easy the first couple of rounds.

The burpees should be completed in 1-minute or less throughout the workout. If that pace is not sustainable, you may adjust the number of reps, use a shorter box, and/or step instead of jump.

The run should also be completed in about 1-minute throughout the workout. We can shorten the distance, if needed.

Friday 2022.06.24


Bench Press @ 32X0

  • x 4-5 x 4 sets


Today’s strength is bench press. You will complete 4 working sets of 4-5 reps. Each rep is performed with a :03 descent, :02 pause on the chest, and no pause at lockout. You can build throughout the 4 working sets, but all 4 working sets should be within 20% of your top load.

Aim for the top end of the rep range each set. If you can maintain the tempo for all 5 reps, add weight.


Complete 5 rounds for time:

  • 10 Single Arm Devil Press
  • 15m Goblet Hold Walking Lunge
  • 15-20 Calories

17:00 time cap


Today’s workout is a triplet of single arm devil press, walking lunges, and calories. Your score is the time to complete 5 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 17 minute time cap.

The dumbbell should be light enough to maintain a smooth pace on the devil press without taking a break.

You should be able to complete the 15m lunge unbroken each round. Adjust the weight accordingly and make sure that you are maintaining a soft touch of the knee on the ground each step.

The calories should take no longer than 1:15 to complete. Adjust the target number accordingly.

Thursday 2022.06.23


Front Squat

  • x 4 x 4 @ RPE 7


Today’s strength is front squats. You will complete 4 working sets of 4 reps. All 4 working sets should be done at the same weight. The first set should feel like a 7/10 difficulty. This means that when you finish your first set, you should feel like you could have done 3-4 more reps. Take 2-3 minutes rest between sets. If you were here last week, aim to use about 5% more weight today.


Complete 4 rounds for time:

  • 24 Toes to Bar
  • 12 Power Cleans

12:00 time cap


Today’s workout is a class version of Event 2 from the CrossFit Semifinals. Your score is the time to complete 4 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 12-minute time cap. This is a difficult time cap under which to get 4 rounds done.

The toes to bar should take no more than 1:30 to complete each round. Keep the sets small and your rest breaks short so that you do not hit failure.

The power cleans should be done with a moderate weight. Quick singles would be an appropriate strategy.

Wednesday 2022.06.22


Every minute on the minute for 30:00:

  • Minute 1: Farmer’s Carry x 20m
  • Minute 2: Box Jump Over x 8
  • Minute 3: Max Calorie Bike Erg x :25


Today’s workout is 10 rounds of farmer’s carries, box jump overs, and calorie bike erg. Your score is the total number of calories completed each round. We are working on our power output on the bike meant to develop our capacity for the 3-minute test.

The farmer’s carries should be heavy. If you can load up the handles to a heavy weight that allows you to go 10m unbroken, turn around, and perform another 10m unbroken. You can also use heavy dumbbells or kettlebells.

The box jumps should take no longer than :40. Adjust the number of reps or box height accordingly.

The bike erg is a :25 effort. Push the pace hard but not 100% because you have to repeat it 10 times.

Tuesday 2022.06.21


3 Sets:

  • Dumbbell Rows x 6-8 / arm
  • Handstand Straddle Slides x 3 slow reps


3 Sets

  • Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Press x 3-5 / arm
  • Ring Pelican Curl Negatives x 3 slow reps


Today’s strength is 3 sets of rows and handstand tuck slides, then 3 sets of presses and ring pelican curl negatives. You can take your time working through these exercises.

For the rows, use a heavy dumbbell that allows you to move through a full range of motion and focus on control with the scapula. Aim to use about 5lbs more than last week, if possible.

Handstand Straddle Slides The priority here is keeping your elbows locked out throughout the movement. You can also substitute an angled wall hold or handstand hold if you are still working on perfecting your handstand line.

Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Press Use a heavy dumbbell that still allows you to keep your shoulder externally rotated, elbows in, and a good lockout at the top. Aim to use about 5lbs more than last week, if possible.

Ring Pelican Curl Negatives You should feel a stretch in your shoulders when your arms are fully extended. This can be adjusted just like a ring row. The more parallel your body is to the ground, the harder the movement.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 8:00:

  • 5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
  • 10 Dumbbell Push Press
  • 50 Double Unders


Today’s workout is 8-minutes of dumbbell hang power cleans, dumbbell push press, and double unders. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed in 8-minutes.

Choose a light set of dumbbells that allows you to complete the hang power cleans and the push press unbroken throughout the workout. You should figure out which movement is more difficult for you and let that dictate the weight.

The double unders should take no longer than :40 each round. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.