
Working in teams of 3, with each athlete occupying a station and rotating once all athletes have completed their prescribed work, complete as many rounds as possible in 30:00:

  • Station 1: 12 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • Station 2: 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • Station 3: 200m Run


Today’s workout is 30-minutes of dumbbell thrusters, burpees, and running. You will work in a team of 3. Each athlete will start on a different station and work simultaneously to complete the prescribed work at that station. Once all 3 athletes are done, rotate.

Choose a light weight on the dumbbell thrusters that allows you to complete the 12 reps unbroken throughout the workout. This means that it should feel relatively easy the first couple of rounds.

The burpees should be completed in 1-minute or less throughout the workout. If that pace is not sustainable, you may adjust the number of reps, use a shorter box, and/or step instead of jump.

The run should also be completed in about 1-minute throughout the workout. We can shorten the distance, if needed.