
Back Squat

  • x 4 x 3 sets

First rep has a :10 negative.
Following 3 reps have no tempo restriction.


Today we will be doing 3 working sets of 4 back squats. The first rep will be performed with a :10 negative. The next three reps has no tempo restriction. Be sure to keep the descent a consistent speed so that at the end of the :10 you are in the bottom of the squat.

Aim to use 90% of your heavy single from three weeks ago for all 3 working sets. If you were not here, you can build to a heavy single with a :10 descent.


With a partner, alternate full rounds and complete as many rounds as possible in 16:00:

  • 6 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs
  • 25ft Walking Lunge (Farmers Carry)
  • 6 Double Dumbbell Devils Press
  • 25ft Walking Lunge (farmers carry)


Today’s workout is to be done with a partner. Partner 1 will begin by completing 6 step overs, a 25ft walking lunge, 6 devil press, and a 25ft walking lunge. Then partner 1 will rest while partner 2 completes the same. Continue this pattern until 16-minutes has expired. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed between the two of you.

The step overs should be done with a weight where you can show control throughout the movement. If you cannot stand up to full extension of the knee and hip without help from the other leg, you need to use a lighter weight and/or lower box.

Hold the dumbbells in a farmer’s carry during walking lunge. Be sure to maintain a soft touch of the knee on the ground each step.

You should be able to do all 6 devil press without taking your hands off the dumbbell.

Ideally, you will choose one set of dumbbells to use for every movement in this workout. Determine which movement is most challenging for you and let that dictate what weight you use.