
3 Sets:

  • 6-8 Straddle Good Mornings @ 3111
  • 6-8 Strict Toes to Bar or L-Raises @ 2111

3 Sets

  • 3-4 Compression Sit Up to Pancake
  • 4-6 Toes to Bar Building Drill


Today’s workout is focused on strength and flexibility that will help you with toes to bar. You will rotate between straddle good mornings and strict toes to bar for 3 sets, then rotate through kip swings and pike ups for 3 sets.

Straddle good morning. The priority here is a long range of motion. You want to feel a stretch in the bottom. You can sit on a plate or a low box to help you work through a longer range of motion. You may also hold a light dumbbell behind your neck to add weight.

Strict toes to bar. Hang with relaxed shoulders. Avoid pulling down and using your lats to assist with the toes to bar or leg raise. Keep the legs straight and together. If you cannot get your toes all the way to the bar, simply lift them as high as you can. Hold the top for :01, lower for :01, and rest for :01 before the next rep.

Compression Sit Up to Pancake As you sit up, aim to curl from the neck down to the lower back. Feel a big stretch as you reach forward in the straddle.

Toes to Bar Building Drill. Keep your legs tight and together. The rhythm is the priority. If your swing gets off center, hop down and restart.


In a 3:00 window complete:

  • 400m Run
  • Max Calories

Rest 1:00

Continue until you have completed 80-100 calories or completed 5 rounds.


Today’s workout is intervals of running and calories on a machine of your choice. You will have 3-minutes to complete a 400m run and with the remaining time, as many calories as possible. You will rest 1-minute between rounds and continue until you have completed 80-100 calories or 5 rounds.

The runs should take no longer than 2:00. Adjust the distance accordingly.

Try to maintain a sustainable pace on the machine. You don’t want to finish the first round or two feeling like you can’t hang on to your pace.