Wednesday 2022.01.26


Back Squat

  • Build to a set of 2 at RPE 9.
  • Drop 15% and do 2 sets of 2.


Today’s back squats begin with building up to a challenging set of 2 reps. Once you find that weight, you will take 15% off the bar and do 2 more sets of 2 reps.

The heavy set of 2 should feel like a 9/10 difficulty. This means you are leaving a little bit in the tank. No failed reps today, but it is still a good idea to ask for a spotter if you do not feel confident bailing.


2 Sets

21-15-9 reps of:
Goblet Squats
20m Forward Crawl

Rest 3:00 between sets

13:00 time cap between sets of 21-15-9


Today’s workout is two sets of a couplet. You will complete 21 goblet squats, a 20m forward crawl, 15 goblet squats, a 20m forward crawl, 9 goblet squats, and a 20m forward crawl, then rest 3-minutes before repeating it. Your score is the time to complete 2 sets including the 3-minute rest interval.

Use a moderate weight kettlebell for the goblet squats. The rep scheme is low, so think about challenging yourself with a weight that will burn the legs, but you can still hang on to complete the sets unbroken.

Maintain a contralateral movement pattern on the forward crawl. Try to keep your back flat and knees just off the ground.

Tuesday 2022.01.25


4 Sets

  • 3-5/arm Alternating False Grip Archer Ring Row or Archer Ring Pull Up @ 2011
  • 4-6 Stationary Dips or Ring Dips @ 2111


Our strength today is focused on upper body pushing and pulling. You will alternate between the two exercises for 4 working sets.

Alternating Arm False Grip Archer Ring Row. Stick to the tempo and get all the reps, then make the angle harder. This movement is adjusted just like a normal ring row. The closer you are to horizontal, the harder the exercise. If you felt confident with the ring rows the past two weeks, consider trying an archer ring pull up this week.

Stationary Dips. Get all the reps at the tempo, then add weight. Use your feet or a light band for a spot. Prioritize as long of a range of motion as possible.

Ring dips are much harder than stationary dips. Only move to this variation if you can complete the stationary dips without any assistance from a band or self-spot.


4 Sets

Complete as many rounds as possible in 2:30:

  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
  • 8-10 Calories

Rest 2:30


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of 2:30 of work with 2:30 of rest. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed across all 4 rounds.

The rope climbs should take no longer than :45 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or target height accordingly. [Here]( is a good test to show that you have enough confidence on the rope to climb to the top safely. Substitute rope lowers, hanging knee raises, or adjust the height of the rope climb as needed.

Use a heavy dumbbell for the shoulder to overhead. Challenge your self but make sure you can still complete 5 reps in a row on each arm.

The calories should take no longer than :30. Adjust the target number accordingly.

Monday 2022.01.24


3 Sets

  • 8-10 Hack Squats w/ foam roller
  • 3/side Hip Airplanes
  • 5/side Barbell Overhead Split Squat @ 2011
  • 3 Jefferson Curls w/ :10 negative


Our strength today involves four exercises that target lower body strength and mobility. You will rotate through the 4 exercises for 3 rounds, resting as needed between each exercise.

Hack Squats w/ foam roller. Move through a full range of motion. Get all 10 reps first, then add weight. Aim to use 5-10lbs more than the last two weeks

Hip airplanes. If you struggle to hold your balance, hold on to the rig and focus on moving through as big a range of motion as possible while showing control. Move slowly here.

Barbell Overhead Split Squat. Use a light weight here. Focus on a good overhead position where the bar is directly over your center and your elbows are locked out. Maintain a soft touch of the knee each rep.

Jefferson Curls. Use a very light weight or no weight at all here.


3 Rounds for time:

  • 15 Deadlifts
  • 15 Box Jumps
  • 12-15 Calories

Rest the same amount of time you worked between rounds.

15:00 time cap (including rest)


Today’s workout is 3 intervals of deadlifts, box jumps, and calories. You will complete one round, then rest the amount of time it took to complete the round before beginning the next round. In other words, if you completed round 1 in 2:00, you will rest 2:00. Your score is the total time to complete 3 rounds including the rest periods.

The deadlifts should be at a light-moderate weight. You want to be able to complete the 15 reps in 1 set, showing good control throughout each rep. Touch the bar lightly on the ground between reps.

The box jumps should be done to a height that allows you to move smoothly and safely each rep.

Aim to complete the calories in under 1-minute each round. Adjust the target number of calories accordingly.

Saturday 2022.01.22


Working in teams of 3, complete for time:

  • 2000-2500m Row or 4000-5000m C2 Bike (on two machines)
  • 100 Double unders (each and at the same time)
  • 300 Wall Balls (two people working at a time)

30:00 time cap


Our workout today is completed in a team of 3. Your team will begin by accumulating 2000-2500m on two rowers or 4000-5000m on two C2 bikes. Once both monitors read the prescribed distance, your team will move on to the double unders. Once everyone has completed 100 double unders, two people will work at a time to accumulate 300 total wall balls. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed work.

The row or bike should take no longer than 10-minutes. Adjust the target distance accordingly.

The double unders should take no longer than 1:30. Adjust the total number of reps or substitute single unders.

Choose a wall ball weight that light enough to allow you to maintain sets of at least 15 with minimal rest.

Friday 2022.01.21


3 Sets

  • 4-6/side Shoulder taps or hip taps in a plank, pike or handstand
  • 3-5 Supscapularis Pull Ups @ 3111

3 Sets

  • 4-6 Handstand Shoulder Rocks (handstand or box)
  • 8-10/arm Sidelying External Rotation


Our strength today is two parts. First, you will alternate between handstand shoulder touches and sternum chin ups. When you have completed 3 sets of those two exercises, you will move on to alternating between handstand shoulder rock and single arm ring rows for 3 sets.

Shoulder touches. In order to perform these back to wall and still maintain a good handstand position, your hands must be close the wall and shoulders open. If you cannot hold a good handstand position back to wall, perform these with your chest facing the wall. You may also perform these in a pike position with your feet on a box or in a plank position. If you feel confident and show good control touching your shoulder, try hip touches this week. The goal is still to move slow and controlled.

Subscapularis Pull Ups. Keep the lower body really tight to allow yourself to push away from the bar as you lower. Self-spotting with your feet on a box is a great way to adjust this.

Handstand Shoulder Rocks. If you struggle to keep a tight lower body and isolate the movement to the shoulders, perform these in a pike position on the box.

Sidelying External Rotation. This is a rotator cuff strengthening exercise. We have a lot of upperbody pulling and pushing this month, so it is important to add in exercises like this to help keep our shoulders healthy.


5 Rounds for time:

  • 4 Wall Walks
  • 16 Dumbbell Snatch
  • 10 Double Dumbbell Box Step Ups

15-minute time cap


Today’s workout is a simple triplet of wall walks, dumbbell snatches, and box step ups. Your score is the time it takes to complete 5 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 15-minute time cap.

The wall walks should take no longer than 1-minute to complete. Adjust the number of reps or target height as needed.

Use a light-moderate weight dumbbell for the snatches. Aim to complete the 16 reps in 1-2 sets each round.

Use a box height and dumbbell weight combination that allows you to move safely and complete all 10 reps unbroken each round. You should be able to stand up on top of the box to full extension on one leg without help from the other with the weight and box height that you choose. Although that is not a movement standard for the workout. It is just a test to help you find the right weight and height.