
3 Sets

  • 8-10 Hack Squats w/ foam roller
  • 3/side Hip Airplanes
  • 5/side Barbell Overhead Split Squat @ 2011
  • 3 Jefferson Curls w/ :10 negative


Our strength today involves four exercises that target lower body strength and mobility. You will rotate through the 4 exercises for 3 rounds, resting as needed between each exercise.

Hack Squats w/ foam roller. Move through a full range of motion. Get all 10 reps first, then add weight. Aim to use 5-10lbs more than the last two weeks

Hip airplanes. If you struggle to hold your balance, hold on to the rig and focus on moving through as big a range of motion as possible while showing control. Move slowly here.

Barbell Overhead Split Squat. Use a light weight here. Focus on a good overhead position where the bar is directly over your center and your elbows are locked out. Maintain a soft touch of the knee each rep.

Jefferson Curls. Use a very light weight or no weight at all here.


3 Rounds for time:

  • 15 Deadlifts
  • 15 Box Jumps
  • 12-15 Calories

Rest the same amount of time you worked between rounds.

15:00 time cap (including rest)


Today’s workout is 3 intervals of deadlifts, box jumps, and calories. You will complete one round, then rest the amount of time it took to complete the round before beginning the next round. In other words, if you completed round 1 in 2:00, you will rest 2:00. Your score is the total time to complete 3 rounds including the rest periods.

The deadlifts should be at a light-moderate weight. You want to be able to complete the 15 reps in 1 set, showing good control throughout each rep. Touch the bar lightly on the ground between reps.

The box jumps should be done to a height that allows you to move smoothly and safely each rep.

Aim to complete the calories in under 1-minute each round. Adjust the target number of calories accordingly.