New Strength Cycle and Additions to Solidarity Programming in 2020


We will focus on the following two lifts in our strength work throughout January.

Front Squat

  • Pause and tempo squats to improve our bottom position.
  • Drop sets without tempo restrictions to add volume.

Bench Press

  • Continuing off our previous cycle, we will begin to work on basic strength. Basic strength involves higher intensity (i.e. heavier) sets and moderate overall volume.


Starting in January 2020, we will take a simplified approach to our strength work and focus on just two lifts at a time. This will allow us more room for our new programming structure that will be implemented in the new year. We will be following monthly mesocycles where each month will have a new “movement of the month.”

Movement of the Month

Each month we will place extra focus on one movement. It could be a weightlifting complex, a squat, or an element of our conditioning workouts. Giving one movement deliberate practice 2-3 times per week will allow us to see progress, but doesn’t lead to burnout because we will switch gears each month.

So what is the movement of the month for January?

January’s movement of the month is the clean.

We begin by testing our clean in class at the beginning of the month. Throughout January we will hone our technique through positioning work during the strength portion of the class. The clean will also feature in some conditioning workouts where we will work on developing our capacity to move moderate percentages of our max. Then, at the end of the month, we will retest our clean to mark our progress.

We’re going to track our progress in SugarWod, so be sure to log your scores there.

Schedule Update

Please note the following will be our schedule during the holidays:

  • Tuesday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve)
    • 0530
    • 0630
    • 0730 Open Gym
    • 0900
    • 1000 Open Gym
    • 1130
    • 1715
  • Wednesday, January 1st (New Year’s Day)
    • 0900

If a class is not listed above, it has been cancelled. Thank you for understanding and have a great holiday.

Microcycle Preview

  • Monday: bench press
  • Tuesday: front squat
  • Wednesday: team workout
  • Thursday: clean
  • Friday: midline strength
  • Saturday: team workout