
5 Sets

  • 2 Front Squats @ 22X1
  • 3 Box Jumps


Today’s strength is front squats and box jumps. You will alternate between the two exercises for five working sets.

Each front squat is performed with a :02 descent, :02 pause in the bottom, and :01 pause between reps. Warm up to a weight that feels challenging but after the first working set, you feel like you could have squeezed out another 2 reps at the prescribed tempo. Use that weight for all 5 working sets. If you were here last week, use a little more weight here than you did for last week’s sets of 3.

The box jumps are meant to work on explosiveness. Choose a safe height and work on reaching full extension on your jump. If you do not have a box, simply work on a max height vertical jump.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:

  • 400m Run
  • 20 Wall Balls
  • 20 Toes to Bar
  • 20 Front Rack Reverse Lunges


Today’s conditioning is 12-minutes of running, wall balls, toes to bar, and lunges. Your score will be how many rounds and reps you complete in the 12-minutes.

The run should take no longer than 2:00 to complete each round. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The wall balls should be done at a weight that allows you to maintain sets of 20 unbroken reps throughout the workout. If you do not have a wall ball, perform light thrusters.

The toes to bar should take no more than 3 sets to complete. Adjust the number, perform knee raises, or, if you do not have a pull up bar, perform sit ups.

The lunges may be done with a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells. Choose a weight that allows you to maintain unbroken sets of 20 throughout the workout.