At Home Strength

3 Rounds


We are starting the day off with :30 intervals.

Check out this video on how to do the inverted crawl with load. Use a weight that you can move around for all :30 without coming down.

For the push ups, elevate your hands if you to a height that allows you to work for the entire :30.

For the hollow hold, the priority is to keep the lower back in contact with the ground the whole time. Tuck your legs or bring your arms in as necessary.

At Home Conditioning

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00

  • 8 Deadlifts
  • 10m Forward Crawl
  • 12 Shoulder to Overhead


Today’s workout is a 10 minute time priority. The variation for deadlift and shoulder to overhead is determined by what equipment you have available.

Your options for the deadlifts are: dumbbell/kettlebell deadlifts, barbell deadlifts, seabag deadlifts, or deadlifting any moderately weighted object you have available to you. Check out this video for some variations.

For the forward crawl, the 10m doesn’t have to be in a straight line. If you are limited on space, crawl 5m out and 5m back. Or shuffle 2m back and forth five times.

Your options for the shoulder to overhead are: single arm dumbbell/kettlebell shoulder to over, double dumbbell or kettlebell shoulder to overhead, barbell shoulder to overhead, or seabag over the shoulder. Check out this video of some different variations.