
3 Sets

  • 4-6 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press @ 31X0
  • 10-12 Barbell Wrist Curls
  • 8-10/side Seated Dumbbell External Rotation
  • 8-10 Dumbbell Maltese Press


Today we are focusing on upper body strength and mobility. You will alternate between four exercises for 3 working sets.

Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press The neutral grip will keep the elbows tracking a little closer to the body. Perform each rep with a :03 lower, :01 pause at the bottom, and no pause between reps. Get all 10 reps at the tempo before considering adding weight.

Barbell Wrist Curls Move slow and controlled through this range of motion.

Seated External Rotation Don’t let the elbow move. Focus on just rotating from the shoulder.

Dumbbell Maltese Press Keep the arms straight throughout each rep. Let your shoulders extend as far down as your range of motion allows. Stretch it out. Stay light at first exposure to this movement and build in weight as long you can show good control.


Every minute on the minute for 18:00:

  • Minute 1 – :40 Sandbag Hold
  • Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • Minute 3 – 10-15 Calories


Today’s workout is 18-minutes of sandbag holds, burpee box jump overs, and calories. You will begin a new station at the top of every minute and complete 6 rounds.

Choose a sandbag weight that allows you to hold with good posture for the entire :40.

If you cannot complete the burpees in under :40, adjust the number of reps and/or box height.

Aim to complete the calories in :45 or less at a sustainable pace. Adjust the number as needed.