
3 Sets

  • 4-6/side Shoulder taps or hip taps in a plank, pike or handstand
  • 3-5 Supscapularis Pull Ups @ 3111

3 Sets

  • 4-6 Handstand Shoulder Rocks (handstand or box)
  • 8-10/arm Sidelying External Rotation


Our strength today is two parts. First, you will alternate between handstand shoulder touches and sternum chin ups. When you have completed 3 sets of those two exercises, you will move on to alternating between handstand shoulder rock and single arm ring rows for 3 sets.

Shoulder touches. In order to perform these back to wall and still maintain a good handstand position, your hands must be close the wall and shoulders open. If you cannot hold a good handstand position back to wall, perform these with your chest facing the wall. You may also perform these in a pike position with your feet on a box or in a plank position. If you feel confident and show good control touching your shoulder, try hip touches this week. The goal is still to move slow and controlled.

Subscapularis Pull Ups. Keep the lower body really tight to allow yourself to push away from the bar as you lower. Self-spotting with your feet on a box is a great way to adjust this.

Handstand Shoulder Rocks. If you struggle to keep a tight lower body and isolate the movement to the shoulders, perform these in a pike position on the box.

Sidelying External Rotation. This is a rotator cuff strengthening exercise. We have a lot of upperbody pulling and pushing this month, so it is important to add in exercises like this to help keep our shoulders healthy.


2 Rounds for time:

  • 8 Wall Walks
  • 20-30 Calories
  • 20 Box Jump Overs
  • 40 Hand-release push ups

Rest 4:00 between rounds

20:00 time cap including rest


Our workout today is 2 rounds of wall walks, calories, box jump overs, and push ups. Your score is the time to complete 2 rounds including the 4-minute rest between the two rounds, or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 20-minute cap.

The wall walks should take no longer than 2:00 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or target height in order to stay within the time domain.

Aim to complete the calories in 1:30 or less. Consider adjusting the target number if that does not sound like a repeatable pace for you.

Choose a box height that allows you to move safely and continuously through the 20 reps.

Hand-release push ups require that you lift your hands off the ground at the bottom of the push up. This is more difficult than a standard push up. If you do not think you can complete 40-reps in under 2:30, consider adjusting the number of reps, performing standard push ups, or elevating your hands on a box.