
Working in a team of 3, complete 3 rounds for time:

  • 800-1000m Row or 1600-2000m Bike Erg on two machines
  • 3 x 5 Power Snatch Relay
  • 20 Synchro Burpees

25:00 time cap


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of rowing or biking, power snatches, and burpees. Your team will begin with two members on machines working towards 800-1000m on a rower or 1600-2000m on a bike. You may switch as needed. Once both monitors read the prescribed distance, your team will work through 3 rounds of 5 power snatches each. Partner 1 will do 5 in row, then partner 2 will do 5 in a row, then partner 3 will do 5 in a row. And you will complete 3 times through of that. Then, everyone will do 20 synchronized burpees. Continue for 2 more rounds through the workout. Your score is the time to complete the 3 rounds.

The row or bike should take no longer than 4-minutes each round. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The power snatches should be heavy. One rep every :04-06 is a good pace to maintain.

The burpees are synchronized when all athletes have their chests and thighs on the ground at the same time and jump and clap at the same time. If 20 reps takes longer than 1:30, adjust the number of reps.