
New Year’s Day:

  • 0900 CrossFit
  • 1000-1200 Open Gym


With a partner, one person working at a time, complete 2 rounds of:

  • 2000m Bike Erg or 1000m Row
  • 30 Thrusters
  • 2000m Bike Erg or 1000m Row
  • 30 Clean and Jerks

30:00 time cap


Our workout today is 2 rounds of bike or row, thrusters, bike or row, clean and jerks. Your score is the time to complete 2 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 30-minute time cap.

The bike or row should never take longer than 4:30. Adjust the distance accordingly. You may switch with your partner whenever you want.

The barbell weight should be the same for both movements. You want to be able to complete sets of at least 5 on the thrusters and quick singles on the clean and jerks.