Strength and Mobility

3-4 rounds

z press db @ 21×1 x 8-10
seal row build to a heavy set of 8 @ 21×1
diagonal stretch x10 + :10/side


For the Z Press, perform all sets at the same weight aiming for perfect posture and overhead position. For the Seal Row, build to a heavy set of 8 @ 21×1 across the 3-4 rounds.


5-4-3-2-1 wall walks
2-4-6-8-10 devil press
*30 double unders after each round

11 minute cap


Today’s workout is 5-4-3-2-1 wall walks, 2-4-6-8-10 devil press, and 30 double unders after each round. This means you will start with 5 wall walks, 2 devil press, and 30 double unders. This will be followed by 4 wall walks, 4 devil press, and 30 double unders. You will continue in this fashion until you’ve completed the round of 1 wall walk, 10 devil press, and 30 double unders. Your score is the time to complete the workout. There is an 11 minute time cap.

If you can’t maintain a pace of at least 4 wall walks per minute, consider slightly reducing the reps or the range of motion.

The weight on the devil press should be moderate. You should be able to perform at least 8 reps per minute.

Your sets on the jump rope should take no more than :20-:25. Scale to single unders or decrease the reps if necessary.