
3 sets not for time

1-4 rope climbs in 1:00
real push up walk x 10-20 m
hollow body planche press 8-10 + :10-20 hold at 45 degree angle


Stay safe on the rope climbs. Only climb higher than 5′ up the rope if you were able to complete the rope climb safety test. You may substitute modified rope climbs, rope knee raises, or a combination of the two.

For the rear push up hold walk, try to perform an equal amount forwards and backwards. make sure your triceps are what is being worked here. If you are unable to perform this variation you can stick with a :30-:45 rear push up hold instead. For both variations, focus on keeping a full lockout of the elbow.

Try the hollow body planche press from a bench elevated onto boxes to allow for a stretch in the bottom. If you are new to the movement, start light. As you become comfortable with the stretch you may go heavier. Scale the hollow position as necessary to complete the prescribed reps.


For time

20-25 calories
15 c&j
20-25 calories
10 c&j
20-25 calories
5 c&j

12 minute cap


Today’s workout is calories and clean and jerks. Your score is the time it takes you to complete the workout, or the reps completed at the 12 minute time cap.

Calories should take you no longer than 1:30 across the workout. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, you may lower the calories to 15-20.

Your barbell weight should be moderate so that the reps can be completed in quick singles. You want to hit a rep around every :08-:10 seconds.