
Barbell hip extension

Build to 3 sets of 6-8 w/ a :01 pause at the top of each rep
*Perform :40-:60 full eagle hang or :20-:30/side half eagle hang in between sets


Perform all 3 working sets at the same weight and aim for the top end of the rep range. If you get 3×10 this week, increase the weight next week.

You may take your hands wider on the half eagle hang if necessary for shoulder comfort.



1 – 10 dumbbell snatch
2 – 8 dumbbell box step overs (single DB)
3 – 10-12 calories


The metcon today is a 15 minute EMOM with dumbbell snatch, dumbbell box step overs, and calories. You will complete a total of 5 rounds of these three movements.

You will use the same dumbbell weight for the snatches and step overs. Choose a moderate weight that will allow you to keep the snatches and step overs unbroken, but that will also be challenging.

Calories should take no longer than :45 or so. You may decrease the number of calories to 8-10 if this pace sounds unsustainable.