
1. Snatch high pull + snatch (position 1) + overhead squat

build to heavy 1+1+2 without missing


every 2:00 x 3 rounds
100m run
8 thrusters

rest 1 minute

every 2:00 x 3 rounds
8-12 calories
3 thrusters


Today’s workout is six 2-minute rounds, with a minute of rest after the first 3 rounds are complete. The first 3 rounds will consist of a 100m run and 8 thrusters. After a minute of rest, the last 3 rounds will consist of 8-12 calories and 3 thrusters. Once you complete the work in a given round you will rest for the remainder of the round. Your score is the sum total time from all 6 rounds.

Your 100m runs should take no more than about :30. Reduce the distance if necessary.

Your sets of 8-12 calories should take no more than :40. Reduce the amount if necessary.

You will use two different weights for the thrusters. The sets of 8 should be light-moderate and the sets of 3 should be moderate-heavy. All sets of thrusters should be completed unbroken. Use your built in minute of rest to change weights.

You should be finishing these rounds in about one minute or less.