Strength & Mobility

3-4 sets

cossack squat x 4-6/side @ 31×1 tempo
supine shoulder flexion x 4/side with :04 descent on each rep
standing side bend x 10-15/side


The Cossack squat can be performed with just bodyweight if necessary. It can also be loaded with a a plate held with arms extended in front of your body, a kettlebell or dumbbell goblet style, or a bar on the back rack. Prioritize a full range of motion at the prescribed tempo and do not sacrifice this to add more weight or progress to a different style of loading the movement. Once you hare the ROM down, only go up in weight after you reached the top end of the rep range one each set the previous week.

Be sure to maintain control on the descent of the supine shoulder flexion and keep the range of motion pain free throughout. Pick a weight that allows you to keep the tempo. Do not allow the ribs to flare up.

Keep the trunk and glutes tight and the hips and shoulders squared forward as you perform your side bends. start to feel out th movement and increase in load as you become more comfortable. Take 2-3 seconds to reach the bottom of the range of motion throughout. Once you hare the ROM down, only go up in weight after you reached the top end of the rep range one each set the previous weeek.


4:00 AMRAP:
8 db box step overs
12 toes to bar

rest 2 minutes

4:00 AMRAP:
12 db front rack reverse lunges
16 alernating arm hang dumbbell snatches


Today’s workout is two 4-minute AMRAPs separated by 2 minutes of rest. The first AMRAP is 8 dumbbell box stepovers and 12 toes to bar. You will complete as many rounds of that in 4 minutes, rest for 2 minutes, and then complete as many rounds of 12 dumbbell front rack reverse lunges and 16 hang dumbbell snatches as possible in 4 minutes. Your score is the total amount of rounds and reps completed across both intervals.

Choose a moderate weight set of dumbbells that allows you to go unbroken on the step overs and lunges. You should also be able to use one of the dumbbells as your weight for the snatches and be unbroken on those as well.

Choose a toes to bar variation that allows you to complete the 12 reps in 1-2 sets per round. Knee raises or straight leg raises are a good substitute.