
3-4 sets of 3 at RPE 8-9

Shoulder Extension Scap Pull Up x 5 @ 2222 tempo between working sets


Use a box height that puts you right at parallel (hip crease even with top of knee). Do not build to a weight that you think you may fail, as it is much harder to bail out of a failed box squat than out of a free squat. Be sure to sit back onto the box with control and avoid crashing to the box. Sit your weight onto the box for a split second, then move explosively as you stand up off of the box.

RPE 8-9 means you should feel like you have an extra rep or 2 in the tank. Do not work to failure on the box squat.

For the [shoulder extension scap pull ups ]( the tempo means that you should fully relax in the bottom for 2 seconds, fully protract for 2 seconds, and move smoothly with control as you transition between positions.


4 rounds for time

18-22 calories
16 barbell front rack reverse lunges
10 burpees

13 minute cap


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of calories, barbell front rack reverse lunges, and burpees. Your score is the time it takes to complete the 4 rounds, or the amount of work you completed if you do not finish before the 13 minute time cap.

Your calories should not take more than 1:20 per round. Reduce the amount if necessary.

Choose a weight for the lunges that allows you to complete each round unbroken. 16 reps means 8 reps per side.

The burpees shouldnt take more than :40. Reduce the amount if necessary.