
For time

100 calories
80 sit ups
60 dumbbell push press
40 burpees over the bar
20 power cleans

*25 minute cap*


The workout today is a long chipper of calories, sit ups, dumbbell push press, burpees over the bar, and power cleans. You must complete all the reps of one movement before moving on to the next movement. Your score is the time it takes to complete the chipper or reps completed at the 25 minute cap.

You should be able to move through the calories at a pace of at least 10/minute. If this sounds like an overly aggressive pace, lower the number of calories to 80.

You should be able to move through the sit ups at a smooth pace, maybe with 2-3 small breaks throughout the reps.

Your dumbbell weight should be light enough to complete the push press in sets of at least 12.

The burpees should be done at a pace of 10/minute or faster. Reduce the amount if you cannot sustain this pace.

Your power clean weight should be moderately heavy, and allow you to complete a rep every :06-:08.