
3 rounds

Bulgarian split squat x 8-10/leg at 21X1
Single arm suitcase carry x 20 m/arm
Kickstand DB RDLs x 8-10/leg at 3011


Perform all 3 working sets of Bulgarian Split Squats at the same weight. You should be aiming for 10 reps/leg on each set. If you are able to complete 10 reps at the prescribed tempo on each working set you can increase weight next week. If you stop short of 10 reps or fail to maintain the tempo on any of your working sets, use the same weight the following week until you are able to complete 3×10 @ 21×1.

Use a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell on the suitcase carry. Brace your core to keep your posture upright and your spine neutral throughout the movement.

Use the same format on the Tempo RDL’s as you are on the Bulgarian Split Squats.


For time:

21 deadlifts
21 pull ups
15 deadlifts
15 chest to bar pull ups
9 deadlifts
9 muscle ups

14 minute cap


The metcon today is a version of Individual Quarterfinal Test 5. You will complete 21 deadlifts followed by 21 pull ups, then 15 deadlifts and 15 chest to bar, and finally finish with 9 deadlifts and 9 muscle ups. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout, or number of reps completed at 14 minutes.

Your deadlift weight should be moderate so that you split the deadlifts up in 1-3 sets across the workout. There is no required tempo for the deadlifts, but you should remain in control and move steadily throughout the reps.

You have a lot of options for how to set up the gymnastics movements. The goal is to make each set more difficult as you progress. For example, your sequence of movements may look like jumping pull ups –> jumping chest to bar pull ups –> banded pull ups

Regardless of what your gymnastics movements are, you should be able to do the set of 21 in less than 4 sets. The set of 15 should be done in 1-3 sets. And the set of 9 should be done in 1-3 sets as well.