
Every minute for 8 minutes

  • 1 Slow Clean Pull + Power Clean from position 2 + Power Clean


Today’s strength is power cleans. You will complete 1 slow pull, 1 power clean from position 2, and 1 power clean from the ground at the top of every minute for 8-minutes. You may build in weight or stay at the same weight; it is your choice.

Focus on hitting your positions through the pull. Keep your weight centered in your foot as you lower to position 2, then drive veritcally. You may drop and reset before the power clean from the ground. Make sure your bar path looks just like it did during the slow pull.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 18:00:

  • 10 Dumbbell Snatch
  • 10 Box Jump Overs (step down)
  • 5 Pull Ups


Today’s workout is 18-minutes on dumbbell snatches, box jump overs, and pull ups. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

Use a light-moderate weight for the dumbbell. You should be able to maintain unbroken sets of 10 throughout the workout.

Choose a box height that allows you to move safely and consistently throughout the workout. Don’t spend more than 1-minute on the box jumps each round.

The pull ups should be completed in 1 set throughout the workout. Adjust the number of reps or substitute banded pull ups, jumping pull ups, or ring rows.