At Home Strength

4 Rounds not for time:

  • 10 Single Leg Hip Thrust per side
  • 10 Cossack Squats per side


Today’s strength is single leg hip thrusts and cossack squats. Take your time working through 4 sets.

You can weight the single leg hip thrusts by placing a dumbbell, kettlebell, or barbell on your hips. Focus on opening the hips all the way at the top and holding for :01 each rep.

Push the range of motion on the cossack squats. You can weight these with a dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell or seabag. But focus on sitting as low as possible each rep.

At HomeĀ 

4 Rounds

  • 1:00 Max reps cleans
  • :30 rest
  • 1:00 Max rep burpees over something
  • :30 rest
  • 1:00 Max rep squats
  • :30 rest


Today’s workout consists of 3 stations that you will rotate through for 4 rounds. You will work at each station for 1:00 and accumulate as many reps as possible. You will rest :30 between stations.

At the clean station, you will use whatever you have available to you: dumbbells, kettlebells, seabags, barbells, sandbags, etc. This is your choice. Check out this video for a demo of different clean variations.

At the burpee station, perform a burpee and then jump over whatever object you were using for your cleans. Try to keep a consistent pace throughout the minute and across all rounds.

At the squat station, you will perform any variation of a squat with whatever you have available to you. You can do goblet squats with your dumbbell or kettlebell. You can perform front or back squats is you have a barbell. You can perform seabag or sandbag squats, holding it against your chest. Try only take one or two breaks throughout the minute.