Schedule Update

Please note the following will be our schedule during the holidays:

  • Tuesday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve)
    • 0530
    • 0630
    • 0730 Open Gym
    • 0900
    • 1000 Open Gym
    • 1130
    • 1715
  • Wednesday, January 1st (New Year’s Day)
    • 0900

If a class is not listed above, it has been cancelled. Thank you for understanding and have a great holiday.


1a) Bench Press

  • x 5 x 4 sets @ RPE 7-8

1b) Single Arm Dumbbell Row

  • x 8/arm x 4 sets @ RPE 8-9

Strength Notes

Today’s strength consists of two exercises between which you will alternate for 4 working sets. Warm up to a moderate weight on the bench press. When you finish your first working set of 5, you should feel like you had a few reps left in the tank. You will use this same weight for all 4 working sets. Warm up to a moderately challenging weight on the dumbbell rows and use the same weight for all 4 working sets.


4 Rounds

In 2:00, complete:

  • 10 Devil Press (35/50)
  • 10 Box Jump Overs
  • Max Pull Ups in remaining time

Rest 2:00

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout consists of several time priority intervals. Your score will be how many pull ups you complete each round. Choose a set of dumbbells that allows you to complete the 10 devil press without having to take your hands off the dumbbells. They will be challenging, but we would like them to remain unbroken all 4 rounds. Choose a box height that allows you to complete the 10 jump overs quickly without hesitation. Ideally, you will have about :30 to work on the pull ups. Avoid going to singles on the pull ups. Remember, if you are not able to complete 5 strict pull ups unbroken, for your safety you will not do kipping pull ups and will do either jumping pull ups, ring rows, or banded pull ups instead.