At Home Conditioning

3 Sets:

Complete as many reps as possible in 4:00:

  • 2* Alternating Single Arm Devil Press
  • 2* Goblet Hold Walking Lunge Steps
  • 40 Double Unders

Rest 1:00 between sets


Today’s conditioning is 3 sets of 4:00 of work with 1:00 rest between sets. You will have three scores: rounds and reps for each round. During the 4:00 of work, add 2 reps each round to the devil press and walking lunge steps.

The alternating arm devil press should be done at a relatively light weight that allows you to complete at least 10 reps unbroken.

Make sure you maintain a soft touch of the knee each rep of the lunge steps. Adjust the weight as needed.

The double unders should take no longer than :30 to complete. Perform single unders if needed. If you do not have a jump rope, you may perform jumping jacks or pogo jumps.

Midline Extras

5 Rounds

  • :20 of V-Ups
  • :20 Side Plank
  • :20 Extended Crab Hold
  • :20 Side Plank

:40 Rest


Today’s midline extras is 1:20 of work with :40 rest between rounds. Every :20, you will alternate between v-ups, side planks on your right side, an extended crab hold, and side planks on your left side.

You can adjust the v-ups by performing tuck ups. Ensure you are moving continuously for the :20 interval.

You may perform the side planks on your hands or elbows. You can make it a bit easier by spreading your feet.

Perform the extended crab hold with your legs straight and butt tight. Try to open up your chest as much as possible here.