Wednesday 2024.04.24


With a partner, for time

800, 600, 400, 300, 200m run

*20 deadlifts, 30 v-ups, 10 synchro burpees after each run

30 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done with a partner and will consist of 5 rounds of running, deadlifts, v-ups, and synchronized burpees. The first round will be an 800m run, followed by 20 deadlifts, 30 v-ups, and 10 synchronized burpees. In the subsequent rounds the running distances will be 600m, 400m, 300m, and 200m, respectively. The deadlift, v-up, and burpee reps will remain constant throughout. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout, or the amount of work completed in 30 minutes if you do not finish.

The runs will be completed as a team and should be done at an 8:00 mile pace or faster. This means the runs should take about 4:00, 3:00, 2:00, :90, and 1:00 (or less). Reduce the distance if you are significantly slower than that.

The deadlifts and v-ups will be completed OPWAAT. Do sets of 5-10 on the deadlift and 5-15 on the v-up before switching partners. This means the deadlift weight should be light-moderate. For the v-up you may scale to a single leg version, or perform tuck-ups or sit-ups.

Synchronized burpees will feature athletes being on the ground and in the air at the same time. These should be completed in less than 1 minute.

Tuesday 2024.04.23

Strength & Mobility

3-4 rounds

Bulgarian split squat @ 31×1 x 6-8/side
between sets cobra hang :20-:30 (center, left, right)


8-10 cal row + 1 thruster

rest 1 minute

6-8 cal row + 3 thrusters

rest 1 minute

4-6 cal row + 6 thrusters


Today’s workout is 3 separate EMOMs with 1 minute of rest in between. You will start with a 5 minute EMOM of 8-10 calories on the rower and 1 thruster. After doing this every minute on the minute for 5 minutes, you will rest for 1 minute. You will then do a 4 minute EMOM of 6-8 calories on the rower and 3 thrusters. After the 4 rounds of this you will rest of 1 minute before finishing with a 3 minute EMOM of 4-6 calories on the rower and 6 thrusters. Your score will be the combined load used for each EMOM.

You should be rowing at a pace of 900-1200 calories per hour or faster. If you cannot hold that pace then consider slightly reducing the target calorie amount. If you’re able to hold 1200 cal/hour or faster you should be doing the top of the calorie range.

You will use three different weights on the thruster. The first EMOM should be a heavy heavy. Pick something that is heavier than you typically do in a workout but that you are not in danger of missing. The second EMOM should be moderate-heavy–maybe 10-20% lighter. The final weight should be moderate, or another 10-20% lighter. You should go unbroken throughout and should never be in danger of missing reps, despite the heavier nature of these weights.

Use the extra minute of rest between EMOMs to put away all extraneous weights.

Monday 2024.04.22

Strength and Mobility

3-4 rounds

z press db @ 21×1 x 8-10
seal row @ 21×1 x 8-10
diagonal stretch x10 + :10/side


Two rounds for time

20-25 calories
20 lateral burpees over the bar
15 power clean and jerk
4 minutes rest

15 minute cap


Today’s workout is two rounds of 20-25 calories, 20 lateral burpees over the bar, and 15 power clean and jerks. You rest 4 minutes between rounds. Your score is the time to complete the workout or the amount of work completed at the 15 minute cap if you do not finish.

Your calories shouldn’t take much more than about :90. Reduce the range if necessary.

Try to keep a smooth pace on the burpees. If you can’t finish in under 2 minutes then consider reducing the amount.

The power clean and jerks should be a moderate weight, completed in singles.

Saturday 2024.04.20


teams of 3, 2 rounds for time

30 sandbag cleans
300ft sandbag carry

100 toes to bar + 80-100 calories.

90 kb swings
300ft kb farmer carry

30 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3. Your team will perform 2 rounds of 30 sandbag cleans. a 300ft sandbag carry, 100 toes to bar & 80-100 calories, 90 kettlebell swings, and a 300ft kettlebell farmer carry. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout.

Every movement will be done with one person working on it at a time (OPWAAT). The toes to bar and calories will be completed simultaneously–so one person will be on a machine while the other two people work on the toes to bar OPWAAT-style.

Your sandbag weight should be moderate to heavy. Perform sets of 3-5 at a time before switching with your teammate. For the carry, switch after every 50-100 ft.

Pick a variation of toes to bar that allows you to perform sets of at least 5 at a time. You may substitute knee raises, straight leg raises, v-ups, or sit-ups.

For the calories, switch partners often enough to maintain a relatively high intensity on the machine.

Pick a heavy set of kettlebells for the farmer carry and use one of them for your kettlebell swings. Switch partners ever 10-15 swings and every 50-100ft on the farmer carry.

Friday 2024.04.19


1. Snatch high pull + snatch (position 1) + overhead squat

build to heavy 1+1+2 without missing


every 2:00 x 3 rounds
100m run
8 thrusters

rest 1 minute

every 2:00 x 3 rounds
8-12 calories
3 thrusters


Today’s workout is six 2-minute rounds, with a minute of rest after the first 3 rounds are complete. The first 3 rounds will consist of a 100m run and 8 thrusters. After a minute of rest, the last 3 rounds will consist of 8-12 calories and 3 thrusters. Once you complete the work in a given round you will rest for the remainder of the round. Your score is the sum total time from all 6 rounds.

Your 100m runs should take no more than about :30. Reduce the distance if necessary.

Your sets of 8-12 calories should take no more than :40. Reduce the amount if necessary.

You will use two different weights for the thrusters. The sets of 8 should be light-moderate and the sets of 3 should be moderate-heavy. All sets of thrusters should be completed unbroken. Use your built in minute of rest to change weights.

You should be finishing these rounds in about one minute or less.