Thursday 2021.08.26


Push Press @ 10X1

  • x 4 x 5 sets


Today’s strength is push press. You will perform 5 sets of 4 reps with a :01 pause overhead every rep and no pause on the front rack. Use the same weight for all 5 sets. This weight should feel like a 7-8/10 difficulty on the first working set. Aim to use about 5% more weight than last week.

Focus on keeping the elbows up in the front rack as you receive the bar and dip for the next rep.


Every 10:00 for 2 sets

3 Rounds

  • 16-21 Calories
  • 6 Wall Walks

7:00 time cap each round


Today’s conditioning is a couplet of calories and wall walks. You will complete 3 rounds, then rest until the 10-minute mark, then complete another 3 rounds. Your score is the sum total time from each set.

The calories should take no longer than 1:15 to complete each round. Adjust the number accordingly.

The wall walks should take no longer than 1:00 to complete each round. Adjust the target height or number of reps accordingly.

Wednesday 2021.08.25


Every minute for 8:00:

  • 2 Power Cleans from position 1


Today’s strength is power cleans. We will be working on our cleans next month, so today is a friendly reintroduction to the movement. You may build throughout the 8-minutes or stay at the same weight across all sets. It’s your choice today.

Focus on staying balanced as you lower to position 1, then drive vertically through extension. Receive the bar with the elbows up and pause there for a second before standing the rep up.


3 Sets

Complete as many rounds as possible in 5:00:

  • 3 Power Cleans
  • 6 Push Ups
  • 9 Air Squats

Rest 1:00


Today’s conditioning is 3 rounds of 5-minutes of work with 1-minute of rest. Your score is the sum total number of rounds and reps from each set.

The power cleans should be at a moderate weight. Quick singles would be a good strategy, but don’t let the set of 3 take longer than :15 at any point in the workout.

The push ups should remain unbroken throughout the workout. Elevate your hands on a bench or box if you cannot maintain sets of 6 for multiple rounds.

It’s easy to get sloppy on air squats when you are moving fast. Be careful to pass through a full range of motion each rep.

Tuesday 2021.08.24



  • Build to a heavy set of 2 @ 41X1
  • Drop 15% and do 2 sets of 4 @ 20X1


Today’s strength is deadlifts. You will begin by building to a challenging set of 2 reps with a tempo restriction. That tempo requires each rep to have a :01 pause at lockout, :04 negative, and :01 pause on the ground between reps. Once you have found your heavy set of 2, you will take 15% off the bar and perform 2 more sets of 4, this time with a slightly faster tempo. These reps will have a :01 pause at lockout, :02 negative, no pause between reps.

Pay close attention to the tempo as you build in weight. If you cannot maintain that slow descent with good positions, you have gone too heavy. It should take around 5-7 sets to build from the empty bar to your heavy set of 2.


2 Rounds for time

  • 100 Double Unders
  • 30 Toes to Bar
  • 30 Dumbbell Snatch

12:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is a triplet of double unders, toes to bar, and dumbbell snatches. Your score is the time to complete 2 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the time cap.

The double unders should take no longer than 1:30 to complete. 100 unbroken double unders takes about 1-minute. So, it is ok if you trip a few times. You may substitute single unders or adjust the number of reps if needed.

The toes to bar should take no more than 2-minutes to complete each round. Stick with small sets with quick breaks here. Adjust the number of reps or substitute knee raises or sit ups.

The dumbbell snatch should be moderate-heavy. 60 reps is relatively low volume compared to what we have done in the past. So you can challenge yourself a bit here.

Monday 2021.08.23


At 0:00, with a partner, alternate full rounds and complete 5 rounds each of:

  • 10 Box Jumps
  • 15 Kettlebell Swings

At 20:00, with a partner, alternating full rounds and complete 5 rounds each of:

  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 20m Goblet Walking Lunge

15:00 time cap each workout.


Today’s conditioning is to be completed with a partner. You will alternate full rounds and complete 5 each of kettlebell swings and box jumps. Then you will rest until the 20-minute mark and complete 5 rounds each of pull ups and walking lunges. There is a 15-minute time cap on both workouts. Your score is the sum total time from both parts.

The box jumps should be done to a height that allows you to stay safe and maintain a quick pace throughout the workout.

The kettlebell swings should be heavy. Pick a weight you can maintain unbroken sets of 15, but it should get difficult on the last round or two.

The pull ups should be done in 1-2 sets throughout the workout. Substitute jumping pull ups, banded pull ups, or ring rows.

The walking lunge should be done with the same kettlebell you are swinging in the part 1. Make sure you can complete the 20m without putting your weight down and maintain a soft touch of the knee each step.

Saturday 2021.08.21


With a parnter, complete for time:

  • 160-200 Calories
  • 80 ​Power Cleans
  • 60 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 40 Front Squats

27:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is to be done with a partner. Throughout the workout, only one person will be working at a time. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed reps or the number of reps completed under the 27-minute cap.

The calories should take no longer than 15:00 to complete. Adjust the number accordingly.

The barbell weight will be dictated by your weakest movement. Choose a weight that allows you to string together at least 5 reps at each station.