Friday 2021.08.20


Every 10:00 for 3 sets:

2 Rounds of:

  • 300m Run
  • 16 Weighted Step Ups
  • 12 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Clean and Jerks

7:00 time cap each set


Today’s conditioning is 3 sets of 2 rounds of running, step ups, and clean and jerks. Your score is the sum total time from all 3 sets.

The runs should take no longer than 1:30 to complete. Adjust the distance if that is not a sustainable pace.

You may hold the dumbbell however you want during the step ups. Ideally, you will use the dumbbell you are using on the clean and jerks for the step ups.

The clean and jerks should be heavy. The overall volume is low, so challenge yourself on this movement.

Thursday 2021.08.19


Front Squat + Back Squat

  • x 2+6 x 4 sets


Today’s strength is 2 front squat + 6 back squat. This means that one set has you perform 2 front squats, rack the bar, immediately place it on your back rack, and perform 6 back squats.

You will use the same weight for all 4 working sets today. It should be a weight that feels like a 7/10 difficulty on the first set. The front squat will most likely be the limiting factor here, so make sure you choose a weight where the set of 2 front squats does not feel too difficult. Aim to use the same weight as last week.


Every 4:00 for 4 rounds:

  • 50 Double Unders
  • 10m Front Rack Walking Lunge
  • 15 Toes to Bar
  • 10m Front Rack Walking Lunge


Today’s conditioning is 4 rounds of double unders, walking lunges, and toes to bar. You will start a new round every 4-minutes. Your score is the sum total time from all 4 rounds.

The double unders should take no longer than :40 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.

The lunges should be at a moderate weight. The goal is to maintain a soft touch of the knee each step and keep the 10m intervals unbroken.

The toes to bar should take no more than 3 sets to complete. Adjust the number of reps or substitute knee raises or sit ups.

Wednesday 2021.08.18


At 0:00, complete 5 rounds for time:

  • 5 Power Snatch
  • 12-15 Calories

At 15:00, complete for time:

  • 15 Power Snatch
  • 36-45 Calories

10:00 time cap on both workouts


Today’s conditioning is a couplet of power snatches and calories. You will complete 5 rounds of the couplet, then rest until the 15-minute mark and complete a chipper. Your score is the sum total time from both efforts.

The power snatches should be at a moderate weight. Quick singles throughout both workouts would be a good strategy.

The calories should be completed at a pace of at least 12-15 per minute. Reduce the number of calories if that does not seem like a sustainable pace for you.


3 Rounds not for time:

  • 10 Curls (your choice, barbell or dumbbell)
  • 10 Band Pull Aparts
  • :10 Single Arm Hang / side


We are finishing today with a few exercises that promote healthy shoulders.

The curls can be done any style and any grip. Just make sure you express a full range of motion each rep.

Keep your arms straight during the pull aparts. Adjust the band tension to allow you to maintain a lockout throughout the movement, retract your shoulder blades at the back, and protract them when your arms are in front.

Focus on staying still during the single arm hang and prevent yourself from rotating. You may adjust this by keeping one or both feet on the ground for assistance.

Tuesday 2021.08.17


Push Press @ 10X1

  • x 6 x 4 sets


Today’s strength is push press. You will perform 4 sets of 6 reps with a :01 pause overhead every rep and no pause on the front rack. Use the same weight for all 4 sets. This weight should feel like a 7-8/10 difficulty on the first working set. Aim to use about 5% more weight than last week.

Focus on keeping the elbows up in the front rack as you receive the bar and dip for the next rep.


10-8-6-4-2 reps of:

  • Wall Walks
  • Thrusters

15:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is a friendly version of the wall walk and thrusters couplet from the 2021CrossFit Games. Your score is the time to complete all 30 reps of each exercise or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 15-minute time cap.

If 30 reps is too much volume for you to complete at a pace of at least 5/minute, consider lowering the number of wall walks to 5,4,3,2,1. You can also adjust the target height instead of reaching a full handstand.

Challenge yourself on the thrusters. These should be on the heavier side. The sets of 10 and 8 may be broken up into 2 sets. If you go too light, the workout will feel like you are doing wall walks the entire time.

Monday 2021.08.16



  • Build to a heavy set of 3 @ 41X1
  • Drop 15% and do 2 sets of 3 @ 20X1


Today’s strength is deadlifts. You will begin by building to a challenging set of 3 reps with a tempo restriction. That tempo requires each rep to have a :01 pause at lockout, :04 negative, and :01 pause on the ground between reps. Once you have found your heavy set of 3, you will take 15% off the bar and perform 2 more sets of 3, this time with a slightly faster tempo. These reps will have a :01 pause at lockout, :02 negative, no pause between reps.

Pay close attention to the tempo as you build in weight. If you cannot maintain that slow descent with good positions, you have gone too heavy. It should take around 5-7 sets to build from the empty bar to your heavy set of 3.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 11:00:

  • 9 Box Jump step down
  • 7 Power Cleans
  • 5 Pull Ups


Today’s conditioning is 11-minutes of box jumps, power cleans, and pull ups. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed in the 11-minutes.

The box jumps should be at a height that allows you to maintain a steady pace and stay safe on each jump throughout the workout.

The power cleans should be a light-moderate weight. Quick singles or small touch and go sets would be a good strategy.

The pull ups should remain unbroken throughout the workout. You may substitute jumping pull ups, banded pull ups, or ring rows.