Jun 24, 2021
5 Sets
- 3 Bench Press @ 11X1
- 6 Dumbbell Rows / arm
Today’s strength is bench press and dumbbell rows. You will alternate between the two exercises for 5 working sets, taking about 1-minute rest between each.
For the bench press, every rep will be performed with a :01 descent, :01 pause on the chest, and :01 pause between reps. Warm up to a weight that feels like a 7/10 difficulty and use that same weight for all 4 sets. This means you should finish your first set and feel like you could have completed a couple more reps at that weight. If you were here for last week’s sets of 4, aim to use about 5% more weight this week.
Use a heavy dumbbell that allows you to maintain a full range of motion every rep for the rows.
For time:
- 800m Run
- 5 Rope Climbs
- 400m Run
- 4 Rope Climbs
- 200m Run
- 3 Rope Climbs
18:00 time cap
Today’s conditioning is running and rope climbs. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed work or the number of reps completed under the 18-minute time cap.
If you think the 800m will take longer than 5:00, decrease the distances to 600-300-150 for each round.
Stay safe on your rope climbs. If you do not feel comfortable with legless climbs, perform regular rope climbs. Here is a good video breaking down the technique and ways to practice that progression.
How do you know whether you will remain safe on the rope in the middle of a workout? Perform this test.
If you are not yet ready for rope climbs you may perform rope row climbs, ring rows, strict pull ups, hanging knee raises, or a drill to practice your footlock.
Jun 23, 2021
Front Squat @ 33X1
Today’s strength is front squats. You will perform 5 sets of 1 rep using the same weight for all 5 sets. Every rep will be performed with a :03 negative and :03 pause in the bottom. Don’t hover during the pause. Sit as low as you safely can into the bottom of the squat. The pause in the bottom is shorter this week, so aim to use a bit more weight for your sets.
Take 4-6 warm up sets to build to a weight that feels like a 8-9/10 difficulty. That means you should finish your first set and feel like you could have completed maybe 1-2 more reps. Use that weight for all 5 sets.
Every 4:00 for 4 rounds:
- 15-20 Calories
- 20m Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
- 50 Double Unders
Today’s conditioning is 4 rounds of calories, lunges, and double unders. You will begin a new round at the top of every 4:00. Your score is the sum total of all 4 times.
The calories should take no longer than 1:00 to complete. Adjust the number accordingly.
The lunges should be done with a light-moderate weight that allows you to complete the 20m without putting the dumbbells down.
The double unders should be no more than :40 of work. Adjust the number or substitute single unders.
Jun 22, 2021
Complete 3 rounds for time:
- 20-25 Calories
- 15 Toes to Bar
Rest 4:00
Complete 3 rounds for time:
- 20-25 Calories
- 20 Push Ups
Rest 4:00
Complete 3 rounds for time:
- 20-25 Calories
- 15 Pull Ups
30:00 time cap (including the two rest intervals)
Today’s conditioning is 3 intervals of calories and a bodyweight exercise. Your score is the total time to complete the prescribed work (including the rest) or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 30-minute time cap.
The calories should never take longer than 1:30 to complete. Adjust the number accordingly.
The toes to bar should be completed in 2-3 sets each round. Adjust the number of reps or substitute knee raises or sit ups.
The push ups should completed in 2-3 sets each round. If you think you will reach muscular failure too early, perform your push ups with your hands elevated on a box.
The pull ups should be completed in 2-3 sets each round. Adjust the number of reps or perform banded pull ups, jumping pull ups, or ring rows.
Jun 21, 2021
Overhead Squat @ 22X1
Today’s strength is overhead squats. You will perform 5 sets of 1 rep with the same weight across each set. It should be heavy, but no failed reps today. Each rep will be performed with a :02 negative, :02 pause in the bottom. We have been working on sets of 3 the past 3 weeks, so look to bump up in weight 10+% for this week’s sets of 1.
Perform a push jerk from the back rack to get the barbell overhead. If you are very mobile, you can use a narrower grip. Otherwise, you will use your snatch grip.
If you have mobility restrictions that don’t allow you to complete an overhead squat, you can work on limited range of motion squats or perform an overhead lunge.
14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Reps of:
- Dumbbell Snatch
- 200m Run between each set of snatches
12:00 time cap
Today’s conditioning is a couplet of dumbbell snatches and running. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed work or the number of reps completed under the 12-minute time cap.
The dumbbell snatches should be heavy. The sets are very small, so challenge yourself.
The runs should take no longer than 1:15 to complete. Adjust the distance if you cannot maintain that pace on each of the six total runs.
Jun 20, 2021
Every 9:00 for 27:00 (3 rounds) complete 9-6-3 reps of:
- Clean and Jerks
- Bar Facing Burpees
Today’s conditioning is the last day of preparation before we retest “Grettel” next week. You will complete 9-6-3 reps of clean and jerks and burpees, then rest until the 9:00 mark and repeat. You will repeat one more time at the 18:00 mark. You will be getting a good amount of rest after each interval, so push the pace a bit. Your score is the slowest of the 3 intervals.
The clean and jerks should be at the weight with which you performed “Grettel”, our June benchmark workout. Perform quick singles or small touch and go sets.
The burpees should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute. Adjust the number of reps if you cannot maintain that pace.