Friday 2020.09.25


Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • 1 slow snatch pull + 1 snatch from position 1


Today’s strength is a slow snatch pull + 1 snatch from position 1. You will complete 1 rep of the complex at the top of every minute for 10 minutes. You may either build throughout the 10-minutes or stay at the same weight across all sets.

During the snatch pull, we are slowing things down to allow you to focus on staying balanced, driving the bar straight up, and hitting your positions precisely.

Pass through a full squat during snatch from position 1. Focus on driving vertically, keeping the bar close to your body, and receiving in a solid overhead support position.


Complete as many reps as possible in 5:00:

  • 5 Clean and Jerks
  • 5 Burpees over the Bar

Rest 2:30

Complete as many reps as possible in 5:00:

  • 5 Toes to Bar
  • 5 Burpee over the Bar


Today’s conditioning is 5-minutes of work, 2:30 of rest, and another 5-minutes of work. Your score will be the sum total of reps between the two portions.

The clean and jerks should be at a light-moderate weight that allows you to complete the reps in under :25. If you are using a barbell, quick singles would work well. If you are using dumbbells or kettlebells, choose a weight that allows you to hold on for all 5 reps.

The burpees should be performed at a sustainable pace. If you have room, perform bar facing burpees. If you do not have room, you may perform lateral burpees.

The toes to bar should remain unbroken throughout the 5-minute interval. Substitute knee raises or sit ups as needed.

Thursday 2020.09.24


3-4 Rounds not for time:

  • 8-12 Strict Pull Ups
  • 12-15 Push Ups
  • :15-20 Hanging L-Sit Hold


Today’s strength is all bodyweight exercises. You may rest as needed between all exercises. It should take 15-20 minutes to get through the 3-4 rounds.

The strict pull ups may be performed with any grip. But make sure you maintain a full range of motion for all reps. Aim to complete at least 1 more rep each set over last week. A few good substitutes for strict pull ups include ring rows, pull up negatives, or pull ups with a band.

During the push ups, focus on maintaining a tight, neutral body position throughout the rep. Aim to complete at least 1 more rep each set over last week. If you struggle to keep your midline tight throughout the rep, elevate your hands on a bench or box.

During the hanging l-sit, keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid leaning back as you lift your legs up. If you cannot hold your legs straight and parallel to the ground, bend one or both knees. This week, you may take the option to hold for the shorter end of the time domain compared to last week if it allows you to progress to a harder variation of the l-sit (i.e. hold both legs straight out rather than just one).


7 Rounds for time:

  • 7 Box Jump step down
  • 14 Dumbbell Snatch

13:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is a simple couplet of box jumps and dumbbell snatches. Your score is the time to complete all 7 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 13-minute time cap.

The box jumps should be done to a height that may get challenging towards the later rounds, but you are confident you will safely perform every rep.

The dumbbell snatches should be done at a moderate weight that allows you to get the 14 reps done in about :45.

Wednesday 2020.09.23


Every 4:00 for 8 Rounds

Rounds 1,3,5,7:

  • 300m Run
  • 6 Power Cleans

Rounds 2,4,6,8

  • 25/20 Calories (park workout – 300m run again)
  • 16 Front Rack Lunges


Today’s conditioning is 4 rounds of running and cleans, and 4 rounds of calories and lunges. You will begin a new round at the top of every 4-minutes. At the start you will run 300m and perform 6 power cleans. Then at the 4:00 mark, you will do 25/20 calories and 16 lunges. Continue to alternate in this pattern until you have finished each couplet four times. Keep track of your times for each round. Your score is the sum total of all 8 times.

The runs should take around 1:30 to complete. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The power cleans should be at a moderately challenging weight. If you are using a barbell, singles would be recommended. If you do not have anything heavy for cleans, add a few reps.

The calories should take around 1:30 to complete. Adjust the number accordingly. If you do not have a machine, go for another 300m run.

The lunges should be done with a light-moderate weight that allows you to perform all 16 reps unbroken. Some options include kettlebells or dumbbells in the front rack, a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell in a goblet hold, or an odd object. It will most likely not be the same weight as you are using for your cleans.

Tuesday 2020.09.22


Shoulder Press

  • Build to a heavy set of 2
  • Drop 15% and do 2 sets of 2 reps


Today’s strength is strict press. You will build to a challenging set of 2 reps with a :01 pause overhead each rep. After you find your heavy set of 2, take 15% off the bar and perform 2 more sets of 2.

Focus on keeping your belly tight and don’t let yourself arch your back as you press up.


For time:

  • 60 Strict Pull Ups

*Every time you break, perform:

  • 8 Alternating Single Arm Hang Clean and Jerks
  • 30 Double Unders

12:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is 60 strict pull ups for time. Every time you drop from the pull up bar, you must perform 8 single arm hang clean and jerks and 30 double unders before beginning another set of pull ups. Your score is the total time it takes to complete the 60 pull ups or the number of pull ups completed in the 12-minute time cap.

This is not a fast moving workout and you’ll want to avoid hitting failure on your pull ups. Come up with a strategy by figuring out the biggest sets you can sustain without reaching failure and how much rest you’ll need in between those sets.

If you cannot complete at least 10 unbroken strict pull ups, you can think about lowering the number of reps from 60 to 40. If you do not have strict pull ups yet, perform ring rows at a challenging body angle. Make sure you can pull the rings all the way to touch the chest each rep.

If you do not have a pull up bar, substitute push ups.

The single arm hang clean and jerks should be done with a moderate weight dumbbell or kettlebell. You will perform 4 reps on each arm.

The double unders should take no longer than :20. Adjust the number or perform single unders as a substitute.

Monday 2020.09.21


Front Squat

  • build to a heavy 1-rep with a :10 descent


Today’s strength is tempo front squats. You will build to a heavy 1-rep with a :10 descent. The goal is to ensure the descent is consistent. Controlling the bottom half of the squat is much more difficult. Don’t allow yourself to drop into the bottom. Stay in control throughout the rep.


For time:

  • 21 Thrusters
  • 400m Run
  • 18 Thrusters
  • 400m Run
  • 15 Thrusters
  • 400m Run


Today’s workout is thrusters and running. Your score is how long it takes to complete the work or the number of reps completed under the 15-minute cap.

The thrusters should be done at a weight that allows you to maintain unbroken sets. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The runs should take no longer than 2:30. Adjust the distance down so that you do not get too close to the time cap.